Current Research on Nandrolone shows new benefits


New member

That's a VERY interesting article, and it makes me wonder if I might consider adding nandrolone to my stack in the distant future...the part about healing joints has me the most curious.  I have to wonder if it's a drug that I could cruise on permanently though since I'm a TRT patient, and I'd have to lower my T. cypionate dosage in order to include nandrolone so that my endocrinologist doesn't see my lab values and go ape and do something stupid like try to switch me over to just Clomid.  Does anybody out there cruise 100% of the time on a stack that includes nandrolone?  I'd imagine as long as you keep your AIs in check (anastrozole/letrozole/tamoxifen/clomiphene/HCG/etc) that it shouldn't be a big issue, but somebody please correct me if I'm wrong and that it should only be taken in cycles.



Well-known member

Nandrolone and its metabolites do no cross react with Test. Deca will not show up or raise your testosterone levels on routine checks (Free T and Total T). Your endo can check for it though and find the metabolites easy enough. Deca will not replace your missing testosterone levels. It works differently.

The author of the article, who I have great respect for, is simply stating something that the TRT community has known for years. Plus the referenced research article provides no finding other than more human studies are required.

Here is the referenced research article -

I hope public pressure makes more human studies possible. The more we gain through scientific research the more we can evolve in our supplementation regimens.

