Cutting Cycle Advice


New member

Good day MG Fam!

I will be running my 2nd cycle here very soon. This time around I will be in a calorie deficit and cutting.. trying to get that summertime seksi.. u kno.. haha

My stash currently consists of some test e.. test prop.. some nandrobase(courtesy of expdom).. dbol n deca(courtesy of RP).. arimidex.. nolvadex.. and proviron(anabols) *not sure if breaking rules by putting the added info-if I am I will edit*

So I'm starting my cut this Monday and most likely starting the gear the following week.. reason is because still pending on a house closing and don't want to be moving and whatnot with sore glutes/quads or whatever can potentially go wrong..

So looking for some feedback. First time cutting on gear so interested about it.

I have enough prop to run a 12week 150 eod.. so about 600mgs per week and proviron at 50mg per day for the last 8 weeks.

Wondering what you guys think of doing dbol as a kickstarter for the cycle.. may seem somewhat counteractive if im maybe save it for a future cycle?

Also the nandrobase I told dom I will be trying it out and he wanted my honest opinion on it but he no longer around.. wondering if it would benefit me with this cut?

I have arimidex on deck and I hardly even used my first time around cause of joint pains.. noticed no puffy nips or anything really... I may use it at .5mg e5d and taper as I see fit.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions?






Is best used in my opinion by eating in a caloric surplus but adding in cardio session's.It usually works for the majority of people unless you are very close and or passed your genetic potential.If I was you I would try eating above my matinence by about 500-1000 calories and doing card after my workout 20-30 minutes and maybe some cardio in the morning on an empty stomach.....Steroids need calories to shine and really show what they can do =)



New member

I agree, cutting the calories is not the way to go. Keep calories at an above average level but clean.  Forget that d bol, forget that deca both are bulkers.  Ive never run nandro base but that sounds good and the proviron too.

 Better cycle, test prop, npp, proviron    or test prop, tren ace, mast p   Anavar in both versions and if you can shwing it HGH.




Here's something for debate. I've read that tren can actually build muscle while in a calorie deficit. Something about tren is the only compound that builds muscle fibers, and tren can take fewer nutrients and do more with it. More so than any other compound. 




All steroids will build muscle in a deficit But just not optimally,Now tren is better at doing it for the obvious reasons of being 500/500 anabolic/androgenic It also depends on where your at genetically speaking if you are No where near your genetic potential yes you will build muscle in a decent caloric deficit but not optimally.So in conclusion yes tren will build muscle better than other steroids but it is not exclusively patented by tren LoL.All steroids need calories to shine and in any cutting cycle you should always be in a caloric surplus with clean whole foods and just add cardio.



New member

so cutting calories would not equal to higher calories - cardio.. for instance say if im cutting at 2700 calories w/ little to no cardio.. or if im cutting at 3100 calories with say 2x cardio sessions during the week burning about 250cals per session.. would it not equate to the same thing?

I ask because that is how I have previously cut.. I just lower calories by so much and adjust as I see fit.. not a fan of cardio. I do it if its needed. So the compounds feed of the higher calories is what you are saying?

I ask because I'm intrigued and still learning how exactly the anabolics work with the body. I'm big on the science.. I've looked but haven't found a compelling article or publication that goes into how they interact with the food. I know to bulk you eat big to get big. to cut.. you eat big but do more cardio?

Thanks for feedback guys.

btw stand I was forbidden to buy any "supps" by the Mrs. til everything done on the house.. I wanted to run the NPP as well.. but ill run it in the future. No rush here.




Lets do an example:Lets say you eat 2800 calories just to maintain,On a cutting cycle I would go to at least 3500-4000 eating clean Whole Foods aka Chicken,fish,brown rice,whole wheat pasta,oatmeal,eggwhites etc then I would do cardio AT LEAST 3x's a week at 30 minutes low intensity Up hill on a treadmill I would prefer to see you do cardio after every weight lifting session at around 20-30 minutes of low intensity I am talking 3-3.5 mph I understand you don't like cardio no one does LoL but it is very beneficial damn near crucial when cutting for the majority of the population the genetic freaks can get away with no caedio =)




I know...I know, but I just hate cardio sooo fucking much! Lol



New member

Its about muscle building and therefore changing your bodys ratio of fat to muscle. Build the muscle and it will take care of the fat , to build the muscle you need to feed it. 

 Normally if you werent building muscle the high calories would contribute to getting fat , but since you are working out and taking anabolics your priority is to support the function of that activity by giving your body enough food. 




I prefer a low carb diet like keto and HIIT cardio to cut, but either type of diet works. I just think some respond better to one diet while others may respond better to other diets. Another aspect that stand brought up before is keeping estro at a minimum because estro wants to make the body store fat.



New member

kind of what I do.. lower carbs as see fit and hiit it up when needed.

Edit* since I will only be running test prop / proviron.. would the proviron work as an estrogen blocker thus keeping me from estro going higher? or should I still run arimidex e5d for now..




Is person to person dependent for some people proviron is all they need on a run like that,Test prop in my opinion doesn't not convert to estrogen as bad as say cyp or enath just my opinion through personal experience



New member

If you hate cardio do a lot of super sets. So bring a pair of dumbells over to the bench, do a set of bench press but then dont judst sit there to rest, do a set of curls or shoulde




I've raised the tempo of my training. Less rest between sets, higher reps, super sets, and giant sets. Some people jump rope or run n place between sets. 



New member

Yesterday for instance I only had 45 mins to workout so I did hiit with 135lbs squats for 30 secs and rested 30 secs again and again til I feel I was dying Haha. 




Yea bro that sounds are you walking funny today?
