Cycle check over

Ok so I apologize in advance because this might be kind of long, but it’s been a few years since my last cycle and I’m trying to remember all the details of running a cycle and I think some stuff has also changed a little. Here’s basically a rough idea for what I’m thinking for my cycle but I’m a little fuzzy on some of the details:

Basic cycle:
Week 1-12 Test E 300mg/ml x 2 a week
Week 1-4 Var 50mg/per day
Week 3-13? HCG 250ui x2 a week ( not sure on when to start it actually)

Week 13 off test e
Week 14 off HCG/continuing off test

Week 15-18 PCT:
beginning 13 days after last test injection and a week after last hcg injection:
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50

Meds on hand:
Arimidex every three days (or check your blood lipid profile to know how and when to take it.)
Letrozone: as needed

Test E notes: Pin Monday/Thursday (1.5 inch long/ 18 gage to draw/21 or 22 to pin?) I think that’s what I did last time.

HCG Notes: Pin Monday/Thusday in fatty area of stomach/ keep in fridge/ 25 gage to draw/25gage to pin/ half inch long needle

Questions: Is it pretty common to run 20-40mg Nolva through an entire cycle, I saw that somewhere and this is my second cycle but I didn’t do that the first go around. I did 500 test e weekly with hcg and an AI a few times throughout the cycle more as a precaution but I didn’t experience any sides/ maybe a little gyno but that was more like a year later because I was slacking off. I know the gear was legit first time around, I did bloodwork. Saw some decent gains.

Should I even run HCG ? Ok let me explain that question… I’ve never ran without HCG/ no idea what that’s like and from my understanding basically you either take hcg to keep nuts from shrinking when you have less LH, which would mean you would end up taking meds for the T that will start to convert to estrogen OR you run without hcg and take a pill the prevent the conversion to estrogen…? So basically either way I’m taking a pill to prevent the extra T from converting into estrogen..right? Like I said I didn’t run nolva the entire cycle before, I think that is something different from what the norm was the last time I ran a cycle…I don’t know maybe I’m forgetting. Against sorry about the long post, I’m trying to get some shit figured out before my pre-cycle checkup, which I didn’t actually plan but its working out that way…so if the VA doesn’t manage to kill me somehow I’ll be back in for more bloodwork halfway through the cycle. What ya guys that a jacked up cycle? I was going to run dbol on the backend like week 8-12 but I think I'm just going to see how this goes...thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well-known member
Few things, Just my 2 cents.
1. Make sure your diet is in check
2. Change your var to the last 4 weeks yes that includes week 13 and 14.
3. I would blast HCG at the end if you need it instead of taking it the whole cycle.

Just gee wizz info you can choose to do it or not.
Make sure your Armidex is taking the same time IMO it should be taking 9pm at night before bed.
Also i would take my Test on Monday and Thursday at night also.. Also since you said 300mg on Monday and 300mg on Thursday sounds like its 300mg test, IMO you would be better off doing 150mg M/W/F yes its 450mg of test not 600. You would get better results off the 450mg than the 600mg. Your bloods would be more stable, and constant giving you better results.
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Thanks for the input Zewi :) Yeah I won't lie to ya I haven't always been the best about diet to be honest, that's one of the reasons I stayed away from AAS for several years but I just put together a spreadsheet of my diet and in order to do a cutting cycle my my macro looks like: P/300 F/47 C/195 if I did that right. I don't know, seems crazy low to me but I came up with 2100 calories to cut and that's part of the reason I threw Var on the front end, want to do some crazy cardio those first 3 weeks while waiting for the long esters to kick in, I want to drop just a few pounds before I start my cycle and leading into about week 3 so it'll be a lot of cardio till then and after that then I'm going to focus to strength gains. Maybe I'm trying to do to much but I really think if I do it right I could basically cut a little and then lean bulk. I still need to order some letto so it'll be a bit till I get you think I should run something other than Var? Thought about winny but I don't want the joint pain I hear about, especially this cycle. Sounds like proviron is a pretty bad ass compound for keeping all around estrogen in check...not as strong as say primo or something but idk.

I didn't think about running 150mg x 3 a week for more stable I will see better results doing it that way rather than 300mg x2 a week?

I still gotta do some more research on meals/ I think protein shakes will be my friend for sure. Idk, this is going to sound bad but I suck at planning out meals, I just never feel like eating 6 times a day. Off cycle I usually won't even really eat my first meal till like 3 in the afternoon if I'm not working..if I'm up early I eat breakfast and stuff but otherwise seems like all I would be doing is meal prep all day. Kind of tempted to do one of those juice/liquid diets so I could get all my macro without having to figure out how much of everything is in each thing I eat...yeah that sounds bad huh..hey I'm trying to put some shit together, ganna plan this cycle as much as possible and I'll be working with a doc as well, my doc is cool.

Hey Thanks so much for the input by the way.
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Well-known member
Man that looks pretty solid. Well thought out.. I like Zewi's two cents also.

I'd say keep in mind it's not just gyno your watching for with the AI, I'd also be trying to keep Test from getting wasted by being aromatized. I like to add something that drops or negates SHBG to get a higher level of free.


I like the cycle. To add to the good advice zewi gave I would not take nolva during the cycle. That was the old school method of preventing gyno. Nolva does nothing to reduce or eliminate e2 it just fills and blocks your receptors from accepting e2. Adex is all you need.
Doesn't Proviron drop/negate SHBG? almost thinking of doing that up front and then bridging with anavar..

week 1-12 test E 150mg x 3 a week (following zewi's dose recommendation)
week 1-6 Proviron 25-75mg
Week 11-14 Var 50mg daily
Adex- ganna start with .25 - .5 EOD and as needed however if I ran proviron my understanding is it almost negates the point of taking an ai so maybe only .25 EOD adex?

Week 8-13 HCG 250ui x 2 ...or if I blast it at the end would I run 500ui x2 a week?

Pct same as first post, except id bridge w/ var. Not saying I'll do this one but that's what I thought of if im throwing var on the back end...hmmm lol


Well-known member
If your going to take Proviron take it the whole cycle all the way through yes including through your PCT.


Well-known member
You can run Var basically the whole cycle right? at least thats what im lead to believe. that is if you have enough var for a 12 to 14 week cycle. and the funds to do it.
yeah i dont know. always heard 4-6 for orals which throws me that i can run proviron the entire time although it negates SHBG so i think its different. I gotta do some more research on that one. I was also thinking about just running a lower dose of var on the front end (week 1-4) (25mg) and then still bridging with it from week 11-14 (50-75mg maaaybe) that way i'm not throwing two different orals in the same cycle and fucking my liver up. I'm still working out the details, I want to kickstart my cycle somehow but I don't want to throw too many things into the mix ya know.

From what I've read var has faily low toxicity at 20-25mg daily though just sayin.
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Gold1 proviron is not a c17a so yes it can be ran an entire cycle. Imo 25mg of var is a waste of money. Var is very mild and for males 60 to 100mg ed is what will give you the best bang for your buck. Tbol is another good option if 80mg car is too pricey. Tbol is like var and dbol fucked and tbol is the baby. It has good strength gains with less bloat than dbol and gives the hardening effect of var.
Just curious, would it be taboo to do the following, specifically concerning the var on the front and back end:

Week 1-12 Test 150mg x 3 m/w/f (450mg weekly)

Week 1-4 Var 50mg -100mg
Week 10-14 Var 50-100mg

Week 3-13 HCG 250iu x 2 weekly (might start this a bit later, like week 6 or so, depends I've never ran without hcg and I kind of want to see how my body reacts honestly)

PCT still the same
beginning 13 days after last test injection and a week after last hcg injection:
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
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It's not taboo. I often times run a kick start and then a taper in a cycle. Just be sure to use a good liver care protocol.

As for hcg during your cycle it's not a necessity. It's a cosmetic issue. If you don't mind shriveled balls don't use the hcg.
thanks Dolf... wouldnt it be a little more than a cosmetic thing with hcg though..cause your own test production would still be on so you would have that much more test running through your body...right? Plus your swimmers would be good, which i don't really care about right now just saying though, i aint trying to get any of these hoes preggers hahaha.