cycles don't start at first pin



Thanks to the MG community and the incredible support found herein, I am better prepared for an upcoming cycle. The key word here is 'prepared,' it is in the months prior to embarking on a cycle, which really is a journey of sorts, where the cycle truly begins.

One must research the compounds they wish to use based on the desired result. In doing so, he or she must use a variety of sources, e.g., forums such as our own, science journals like ones some members often post, and any anecdotal evidence from experienced users. The compound(s) must match the goal, and should be chosen such that the least amount of risk is taken concerning ones overall future health. As a general rule, have your cycle support in hand before you pin! You never know whether something or other wil get lost in the mail,or god forbid, get seized.  Know whether you will take the pct route, cruise, or continue TRT. Plan accordingly.

Next, we need to have a dietary plan, for, the diet really governs the end result. Because one will have to eat 6-8 times per day, it is best, for the sake of efficiency and success, to know well before hand what ones total caloric intake must be, and what foods will be required to meet the caloric goal based on macro ratios. Once we have that nailed down, create a menu, and stick to that. Ideally, meal prep should be made as easy as possible so you don't fall off the wagon. Eating clean is the only way tp go in my opinion, and having an instantiated plan is paramount to success

Next, he or she must have a training plan sketched out. Begin training in this manner BEFORE you begin you cycle in order to prepare your mind and body for the scheduled rigor to come.

We have to consider our family life, friendships, and work commitments since most of us are not sponsored professional athletes. Tailor your training such that there is a balance between gym life and life in general. Let your loved ones know what you're up to (you don't have to mention AAS) so they can prepare for seeing less of you. Get them involved somehow, and keep them informed on your progress. People are positively effected by our excitement concerning our lifestyle, and be sure to listen to them when they talk about their successes as well. I know that i get a bit more self involved on AAS. Remember, it's likely you may become a bit moody, so please practice self-awareness, thus keeping the moodiness for the gym, and leave it in your locker till next time. I feel we have a duty to disspell the crap media tells the public, namely, the whole roid rage thing. I've yet to experience it myself...

Prior proper planning prevents piss poor performance!




It's somewhat of a summary of what I've learned since joining mg :) gotta have a foundation before the house gets built, or rather, one must draw up some blueprints before a house can be properly constructed...there's a million analogies, but prep is paramount




Nice post. I say this all the time. It's all about the prep.... You gotta know what you want and how to use it. Taking gear is all about learning your body. As i say and preach haaaaaaaard. Get your diet in check before you consider a.a.s. I've fukd a many of cycle... Thinking I can take gear and that's it. Doesn't work that way in this game. It takes dedication and involvement. You did your homework...  Now put what you learned into action. Get the full effects of your cycle, learn your body, keep diet in check, train hard and you'll do just fine. You can "donate" for all the gear you want...... If you don't run and do what is necessary... You'll piss and shit alllll that "donation" down the thunder box.... Trust me I have and many others have also. You live and learn..... But in this game..... It's better to live..


Take your time read and learn..

It will make you "bigger".




"Prior proper planning prevents piss poor performance"is my Marine buddy told me. I strive to live by it these days. When i first started in this game, dudes would tell me to just eat whatever you wanted, pizza, pasta, burritos, whatever. I did that bloated out like a fucking puffer fish! Pissed it all away it three weeks, maybe four. Pct was nearly non existent,  took some crap fro gnc. I can tell, now, that I'm doing it correctly.  Thanks MG! No bloating, just building, and its nice to see this program working.  Man, diet, and water (and little test p, perhaps) will take one hella far, farther than one might imagine. A cookie cutter plan is a good starting point, but then there's all the fine tuning, whether its the timing of taking an ai, and which ai for that matter, to playing with daily  macro intake. i play around with my macros all the time, sure I have my plan, but there's always wiggle room. Also, can't forget the changes in mental states, sleep patterns, life challenges. One has to prepare to deal with the shit that may come up; keep yourself in check. Awareness is key in this game. If you are aware, you can and will grow mentally and physically. 

I see this happening with many members here at MG, what an amazing support system we have here. Feeling lucky to have found you folks!
