Delta 8 THC


New member
I’m just learning about this cannabinoid. I stopped drinking back in late 2020 (433 days and going strong, woo-hoo!). I’ve always enjoyed marijuana (Delta 9 THc), however,while it helps me in many ways (ex. anxiety, sleep, relaxation, recreation, migraine relief), I don’t always want to have the “stoned” results, and sometimes too much (frequency or quantity) is a trigger for my anxiety/depression.

I stumbled across Delta 8 and I think I’m onto something. It is derived from Hemp not Marijuana (both varieties of Cannabis Sativa) without the strong psychoactive effects. It gives me a lift and offers some of the same benefits that Delta 9 does, but without the negatives. I’m able to maintain a clear mind and get the benefits without getting baked.

As I get older, I want to feel content more than I want to get fucked up and I want to avoid the desire to numb/escape since that is what led to my issues with alcohol.

Any of you have any experience or thoughts on Delta 8?


New member
Hey there! Congrats on your sobriety and kudos to you for exploring alternative ways to manage anxiety and other issues without turning to alcohol.


New member
Hey there! Congrats on your sobriety and kudos to you for exploring alternative ways to manage anxiety and other issues without turning to alcohol.
It's great that you're discovering the potential benefits of Delta 8, which seems to offer some of the same benefits as Delta 9 without the psychoactive effects.

If you're interested in exploring other options, you might want to consider the best CBD for relief as well. It's also derived from hemp and has been shown to have potential benefits for anxiety, sleep, and relaxation, among other things. There are many different types of CBD products available, so you can find one that works for you and your specific needs.


Well-known member
I have tried delta 8 and delta 11, delta 11 is the strongest, but still not as close as actual weed for sure. Its fun, I've had quite a good laughters with it, it also doesn't get me baked like weed, but still gets you a little high, and sex under that is great.


Well-known member
Are you juicing?

I've always had issues with anxiety and depression, but not since I started using anabolics.

I'm also a former addict, well still an addict, just don't use anymore.

I also smoke a lot of weed. I used to get the odd panic here and there if my day had gone badly. But again, I'm very calm and content now so I'm in a good headspace to partake of the devil's lettuce.


New member
That's a huge accomplishment, and I totally get where you're coming from regarding the desire for a more mellow cannabis experience.


New member
First of all, a huge congrats on your 433 days without alcohol – that's seriously impressive, and it's fantastic that you're taking control of your well-being!

It's great that you're exploring alternatives like Delta 8. It sounds like a smart choice, especially if it offers similar benefits to Delta 9 without the intense psychoactive effects. Finding that balance where you can enjoy the perks without feeling 'stoned' is a real win.

I can totally relate to wanting to feel content and relaxed rather than seeking an escape. It's all about improving your quality of life, and it's a journey. Keep exploring what works best for you, and maybe consider trying a vape pen if you haven't already – it might be a game-changer for your well-being journey!