dianabol only cycle




No such animal my friend. Dbol will swell you full of water and as soon as you stop use it will come off faster than it came on. Test should be the base of any cycle. Test c or test e at about 500mg per week.




AGE,, WEIGHT ,, BF,, CYCLE HISTORY ????? GOAL of cycle .. first friend welcome ,, now I speak the truth ,×2 what dolpf said ,   we dont know you,, but you need do some research , and more research sieg



New member

Oral only cycles will get you no love on any forum, They are a bad Idea with really no advantage. If your considering one the best thing to do is more research before you take a plunge.




thank you for asking the question bgolds. Dolf hit u with the perfect answer. Siegs advice is good as well. research, dbol is a compound used mostly to maximize the benefits with a test cycle. it will help kick off a cycle and add strength... However, if youre asking this question it does mean you need info. read and ask questions.... Thanks for the post bro...



New member

It can be done and you certainly wouldnt be the first, the real question is why would you chose to do so ?  You are asking for bloat, sexual sides and you'll be lucky if you keep anything you gain.


I am the 1

New member

I had a coworker tell me he took dbol and deca. I told him that was dumb, but I can't talk. My first cycle was winstrol only. I talked about the mistake under the general chat. Some people just think this is steroid it's going to make me look such and such way without do any research.


I am the 1

New member

I'm not sure if he took them together or at two different times. I didn't ask. I was going to, but I gout busy explaining to him why his dick didn't work anymore.




It happens I am , and we cant confuse stupid , with not being educated , like myself , the majority of my life was inside and lifting natty ,, all I knew about roids were they get you big , well one day many year ago I ran into , a acquaintance from the joint and he was , huge , and he pushed , anadrol on me , and I didnt know about these sites , I blame him , he was a dirty fucking selfish gym rat , he had and was using ai's , but we live learn and grow , I hate to think what would happen if I run into him , now I try to educate


I am the 1

New member

I agree. That's why I said I can't talk much. I thought winstrol was a miracle drug that got you shredded. I didn't eat right or anything. I thought if I just take winstrol that would be it. Those side hit me and I stopped taking them. I called him dumb because he is my buddy and I was giving him a hard time. I educated him on what he needs to do.




Oh I know , my first few cycles I think it was , dbol someone gave me like ,300 blue hearts by far the best dbol I ever done , but then anadrol , then some test , the the asshole , or should I say im the asshole I started tren and only tren thank gods it was the worst pip ever I dc ,  then when I got hip to the scene a little , a source , yes a fucking source hooked me up with a deca , anadrol , and test cycle , oh he sold me a I ai , but the mother fucker never said anything about a DA , needless to say I lost my dick and all desire ,,  its amazing how far I come , for real relatively quickly also 


I am the 1

New member

I blame the seller. I know if I was a small time seller. I'm talking the ones that do face to face sells. If I was selling the stuff I see a guy wanting to buy dbol only. I would ask and advise him on added some test with it. I would want repeat customs not a one time deal. I blame myself too because I could have done the research before buying.




Not together , but a gym rat had me start a tren only cycle , then I found , eroids , but that didnt go to good , I got so chewed up  and humiliated , I would have shot plp ,, so I continued on my own reading studing researching , but still had a ton of questions nothing like questions , thats when I found , mg , and plp can knock mg , plp can say were a copy site they can say what ever they want i dont care , we by far are the most caring , and caring what more can I say were not here to cut down or humiliate , were only here to help ,,  and.I have nothing bad to say about any other site , before anyone signs on to a site know each site has its own personality , and personaly for me this is my personality , here , and I its a shame , every bb, pl , recreational lifter should all have one common goal and its to help each other , I wise man once told me about a month ago , at the end of the day im left with myself at night and I either done brothers right , or I was a self rightous fuck so true 




That's me too sieg. I like to help. People who know nothing about aas are already so ignorant in their thought processes of what steroids do or make you do. Roid rage, shrink your dick, Lyle Alzado brain tumor, and WWE wrestler Chris Benoit who killed his family and himself. When guys run fucked up cycles and fuck themselves up it just helps feed the general populations ignorance and hysteria. MG is more of a brotherhood that truly cares about each other, and sticks together to keep the members safe from self harm and scammer sources. Although you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Sometimes even if you hold his head under water, but at least I/we can sleep well at night.


I am the 1

New member

Speaking of fucked up cycles. Well its a waste of time cycle. Remember my buddy? He has stopped taking his cycle and started pct. Now his nuts are hurting. The dr told him his pituitary is out of whack from being on trt or a cycle for too long. I did clarify which one. He is on trt and has done several cycles while on it. The dr two bottles in a row is all tha should be ran. He is  now going to run 1 10-14 week cycle a year of tren or deca. I don't think its a fucked up cycle. I think its a waste of money.
