DIET IS KEY! Know this before AAS use.


New member

Hopefully this gets some reads and potentially helps out anyone who reads all the “diet is key” talk and is interested in knowing more or wants to really step there game up in the total change of their physique.

Some background info first;

For starters I experimented with AAS at a young age because people around me were and now looking back and having struggled for many years with addiction, I can see how it was simply me at an early age searching to “fill that void” or become “part of” and not so much that I was into to training like I am today, I simply wanted to be accepted.

Moving on in the teen years with weed and booze, then the ecstasy and club drugs all the way to graduating to amphetamines and my true demise as an IV drug user, let’s just say the first 10 years were me “having fun” and then another 5-7 years of trying to dig out of the hell hole of active addiction.

Enough on that now that you have my background prior to me having an “awakening” of sorts and where I sit today I will talk more about how I’ve changed my life and what I’ve learnt.

So after getting clean and sober 5 years ago and turning to healthy habits and lifestyle choices, I weighed 200lbs and was skinny fat. Strung out with a beer gut and no muscle definition it was time. I worked hard and long for 2-1/2 years before diving back into AAS once I felt like I had hit a wall. Now I’m a small framed guy 6 foot tall and just genetically not the type that will be 230lbs of meanness just not me.

So experimenting at first with some advice and research got me some results but again nothing that ever really stuck and this leads me back to the intent of this post…DIET! Joined MG got active, met some solid people, got great advice and truly believes that how we fuel our bodies alongside timing of it all is the real “magic serum” and not the compounds themselves. I’ve learnt more than anything that the compounds only aid in how we uptake nutrients and burn fat and that’s about it. The actual bulk/cut comes from the food and training with the AAS as an aid to get you past what your body can do on its own.

I’ve bulked before and used the mentality that you hear around from time to time that it’s all about calories. It is, but 4000 calories of McDonalds is not the same as 4000 calories of whole foods. Some people will argue that it doesn’t matter but I’m here to debate that it does. The Macro’s in a BIG MAC don’t tend to balance out with that of whole foods unless your macro ratios are high sat fats and high carbs. To say 1000 calories is 1000 calories no matter what you eat is beyond me, but I digress.

So if you’re interested in really fine tuning things based on your goals here’s a quick way to get to where you need to be.

1.       Calculate your TDEE which is how many cals you burn daily simply by being awake. This differs based on your age height and amount of daily activity i.e.…what you do for work like desk job vs carpenter etc.…

2.       Decide what your goal is, cut bulk recomp.

3.       Find a macro ratio that works for you, mine is currently high protein, moderate healthy fats and I cycle the carbs up and down. Higher on training days and less on off days.

4.       Rule of thumb is 300-500 cals less than your TDEE for a cut and 500 cals + on a bulk. This can be tweaked based on how accelerated you want either to be. On a bulk you could eat 2000 extra cals but fat gain will come into play. This is not the same for everyone and experimenting and knowing your body simply comes with time dedication and hard work. No shortcuts here!

5.       Come up with a plan, make a shopping list, learn how to meal prep and I suggest initially track what you eat and weigh out portions, it may seem tedious but this is truly what separates the men from the boys. In time the scale will go on the top shelf because you will know portion sizes by heart and your shopping list will become similar week to week and you’ll know what you’re eating without tracking after a short while. It becomes second nature and more of a habit.

6.       Have a plan and stick with it. NOTE: All of the above can and should be done before you contemplate AAS use. See what you can obtain naturally and get into healthy eating habits so that when you do dive into AAS your body has the proper fuel for the best results. It’s not worth blasting test and trying to then work out an eating plan mid cycle.


Some of my food choices;

Oats, eggs, veggies, leafy greens, (sweet potato, red potatoes – I only eat these an hour after training on training days only, same with bananas) Fish, Lean Beef or Chicken at every meal besides breakfast. Whey, BCAA’s. I’m currently on a no bread diet but if I wasn’t I would be eating sprouted grain bread like Ezekiel. I recently added back in some dairy and for me again its eggs skim milk low-fat cottage cheese and Cabot low fat Greek yogurt. These are my staples that reside in my fridge/cabinets at all time, you can tweak accordingly, just know what’s in your food. Avoid over processed shit like prepackaged lunch meats and refined sugars like corn syrup.


With the above the potential is limitless. My advice is set yourself up for success prior to AAS and not for failure. In laymen’s terms look at it like this.


Option 1. 500mg of test per week, train 3 days eat what you want and hang out with the boys and drink beer.


Option 2. Know your TDEE, have a solid plan, eat healthy whole foods and know what you’re eating (understand your macro’s), train hard and add 500mg of test per week.


What do you think will yield better results? Even if you’re new to this game it’s safe to bet that 99% of you will say option 2 is best, so why sell yourself short?



God Bless, Turn




AAS is a performance ENHANCING drug, not a performance creating drug. This is the best advice for a beginner, get your diet and training down, then and only then, enhance it with AAS. When i did my first cycle, all my bros would be like "eat whatever, pizza, pasta, McDonald's and get huge!" Well, i didn't necessarily take that vice but i did eat way to much carbs, got all kinds of bloated, and the size i gained was mostly water imo. So, take turnup's advice. Its the absolute starting point. If you're partying, drinking, or have an unhealthy lifestyle, get cleaned up, learn about diet and training, and work hard. Also, you must strengthen your tendons to avoid injury when the enhancement hits you full force. Sliw and steady wins the race.

Like turnup, i had to dig myself out of the same fucking hole, took years to get back to what felt normal. And to rebuild my health and strength took some time as well. Good job my Turnup, great post as usual! I'd +1 if i could. 



Well-known member


Gas Can, I congratulate you on your life transformation and the courage to share it. I am grateful you are part of this community.






Damn we all had to dig ourselves out of an early grave with drug use   You guys realize that we are part of a very small percentage of addicts that make it out  great post turn and burn   Only when your diet and exercize  are dialed in should aas be used  or you will look like shamoo:) 



New member

Case and point we keep dropping like flies! Which only solidifies the fact that something bigger is at play here if my ass is still sucking air because trust me I know I shouldn't be and God has a bigger plan for this guy. For instance woke up this morning opened my facebook and BOOM another friend gone. I'm 37 as of this month, he passed at 29 yesterday. Long story short I've stayed in touch with him through facebook, but he was 18 years old when I first "partied" with the kid and 11 years later in and out of treatment trying to get this thing his journey ended. Sad to see. Like i've mentioned before i'm not ex military, my younger brother is a Marine and that in itself makes me proud enough. But granted I've never been in active combat, but I will say the struggle with addiction though different then serving this country shares a lot of similarities in the sense of the fucking fight mentality. The camaraderie you share with someone who has fought active addiction for some time is instant. Even if you never met that person all it takes is about 5 minutes to make that bond because "you get it" Some may say its a choice and a choice you make, but I bullshit you not when I say yes that first time it is, but then that choice is made for you and it takes a strong individual to persevere through it. Truly blessed to be 6 feet above ground today especially when cards get punched on a daily basis in that world. Thanks for all the kind words and sorry for straying of topic, but writing this yesterday and seeing that post today that he is gone just has me feeling a certain type of way. The MG fam is the best around. Thanks again and God Bless.



New member

Its been a fucking battle to say the least and one I need to keep up front every day! I can't forget where I came from or I'll just go back! Quite frankly diet and training has done a lot to teach me how valuable life is and that the human body needs to be tuned up and maintaned just like car if you expect to get years out it and keep it running smoothly. I put so much shit into my body for years that now I try to fuel it with healthy shit. Granted some will have opinion on the AAS as not the safest bet, but only leads me to the point that in this environment at MG and the advice of others combined with knowledge and research there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it and thats why I shared the diet post, because I feel strongly that its a starting point or at least should be before you start to add compounds into your body.

A good analogy would be like putting premium fuel in an 87 toyota corolla. Overhaul that shit first bring it up to snuff then feed it the GAS!!!




Wow AWESOME post. I too struggled with a.a.s. I seen big guys, knew they were using and thought "I'll just take this blue heart and get big".  Lmfao..... You are right I say the same. Adjust ya diet before you play with big boys. Now I preach this harder than ANYTHING.... FOOD IS THE MOST ANABOLIC SUB IN THE WORLD. 




Fucking awesome post gas!!! +2 but it deserves a +10!

Diet is 90% of it! That's a fact! Aas is just an aid to help you accomplish your goals. You can't guess at your diet. You have to track it and know for sure what and how much is going in. In my 2 years here at MG I'd have to say diet is the most common mistake we see. Why? Because it's the hardest part of the journey imo.




I concur with you, Dolf.  Diet is the HARDEST part of the puzzle!  Mainly because we are all different and react to food differently due to individual metabolism. 
For me, it's a constant change and update in what I eat and when I eat it.  I think I have learned that timing is extremely important for me. 


I agree this post should be a +10!!!



New member

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who paid their two cents! Appreciate the positive vibes. I was away since Friday in OMAHA, NE of all places. Actually wasn't what I expected out there. Being from Taxachusetts in the Northeast where we pass cars on the right only to still be in traffic and everything is fast paced and buildings and homes are on top of one another. Huge modernized city, lots to do things are a bit spread out so driving through downtown and cars just flowing and not beeping and flipping the bird every two seconds was a nice change of pace lol......and to keep this post relevant with my original post and diet related, well, I ate like a slob. Felt dam good to have those 4 days of no holds barred, but like I said its a slippery slope and now my body is craving the carbs I worked so hard to keep at bay, so its back to grind mode. We visited my girls dad so out of respect when he asked what we want to eat so he could compile a shopping list, I couldn't find it in me to say. Water, seltzer, greens chicken, lean beef and eggs lmao. Not to mention my girlfriend weighs 100 lbs is ripped and lives off skittles, twizzers and peanut m&ms so it was save to say her pops had the place stocked with good ol' dead calorie refined sugars!! Also not having access to a gym, I ran 3 miles twice a day and when I got winded I just banged out 50 pushups in random peoples front yards lol. It was early so everyone was still sleeping. 




I grew up in a small Kansas town (about 20,000 people TOPS) and remember the same thing.  Slow paced country living.  I always longed for the City that I live in a large city...I would rather be home in Kansas.




And taken for that is. Since being a monk in India, I've basically viewed food as a functional necessity rather than something that is to satisfy hunger and gratify the taste buds. I do love me some tasty Italian now and again, but like alcohol, it leaves me feeling bloated and shitty the next day. So flavor eating happens only once in awhile (and i usually eat a clean meal prior that way I'm not tempted to eat hella bread!)
