
New member

 I'm 30 140lbs 6'2 and my goal is 30lbs of muscle..right now I'm starting a homemade weight gainer (2scoops of weight gainer 1scoop whey protien 1cups of raw organic oats 1 cup of nature valley oats and honey 1 tbsp of peanut butter) would like to get suggestions on a 3500cal 200g protein diet to add to the homemade gainer..eating schedule like what to eat at breakfast what snack in between what lunch meal what dinner meal what pre and post workout meal...etc..once that is in place and i see gains i wanna get on an oral cyle and then transition to pinn...Lgd-4033 and ostrarine(MK-2866) was recommended to me as a complimentary to my 3500cal and 200g protien diet and as an oral dbol 50mgs was recommended...Any suggestions or help??THANKS GUYS




It really depends on what you like to eat. 

I'd go for something like 6 eggs, toast in the am.

Maybe some oats too. 

Lots of chicken breasts, cook them up 5 or 6 at a time,  22 minutes at 425 degrees.

Eat lots of peanut butter,  by the spoonful.  Every time you grab the jar you can chow 500 kcal. 

Gets some good vegetables in there too. Spinach is easy, you can add to a protein smoothy or make a salad... topped with chicken.

Can tuna is quik and easy

Do you like yogurt, cheese,  other dairy stuff? Won't hurt to grab the Ben and Jerry's after smoking a bowl.

What is a typical day for you food wise?



Well-known member

Brother Stunnaman,

Not hacking because I love your enthusiasm but you have posted so many questions throughout the forum and many of the questions are related. In many cases you are asking the same question just in a different part of the forum. It is difficult for me to keep everything straight and provide you with sound advice. I am old and get lost easily. ;)

I suggest slowing down a bit and allow us sometime to read through all your posts and this will help us help you. In the mean time keep researching and reading. 

Please do not take this as if I am telling you not post any questions or concerns because I am not. I am just asking you to allow us to catch up with all your questions related to diet, substances, etc.



Mister A


Stunna, welcome and thanks for the topic. I haven't seen any other questions you've posted, but I will address what I can here. Before I start anything, I will ask that you hold off on doing any kind of cycle - oral, injectable or SARMS. If you're looking to run an oral cycle then it's clear you haven't done the research necessary to begin using AAS. That's fine, that's why we're here. To make sure you not only reach your goals, but do so safely.

30 years old. 6'2". 140. Small and skinny your whole life. Daily Marijuana user. This is all the information your profile provides so I will run off this.

The perspective you have on nutrition needs to change. You are beginning with a weight gainer supplement and then trying to build a diet around it. Ideally, you'll want to establish a diet based in whole, high quality foods and then add supplements to it. Supplements are supplemental.

3500 calories is actually a good starting point. If you're training hard then I would not drop below this number. You're going to have to find a way to eat 5-6 meals a day. Let me run a very simple blueprint real fast.

Meal 1: 6 whole eggs, 1.5 cups of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of honey.

Meal 2: 6 Oz ground beef, 1 cup of white rice


Meal 3: post workout weight gainer shake

Meal 4: 6 Oz chicken breast, 1 cup white rice, 5 Oz broccoli

Meal 5: 6 Oz ground turkey, 10 Oz potatoes, 5 Oz spinach

Meal 6: 6 Oz ground beef, 2 tbspn peanut butter

I don't know the macros or calories of this but the protein is around 300, carbs around 400, fats around 150 maybe. That's going to bring you over 4000 calories. For a hard gainer like you, it may be exactly what you need.

Food is the most anabolic substance you can put in your body. Try eating like this for 60 days and training with the heaviest weights you can use for 6-10 reps and don't leave the gym until you're soaked through your tee shirt.

I also recommend getting a blood test done as Marijuana is notorious for lowering natural test production and I already suspect you may have Low T.

Nothing about the diet or training is going to be easy at first. But results are possible if you are relentless and committed.

God bless.




+2 Mr. A for excellent advice.

Stun, I see now that you are excited. That's awesome. Lets get this thing rolling. Mr. A nailed it. Diet, Diet, Diet brother. Get that good whole food in your body. Chicken, Broccoli, Nuts, avacados, Fish, rice, lean red meats. spinach. Lots of green veggies provide energy. A protein shake or some pre workout drink is not going to do it.  I'm not saying don't use protein drinks. Use them to supplement an already strong diet. At your size and goal you want to achieve. A pre and post protein shake may be what you need and one prior to bed.  I like what Burr said. If you have trouble putting on weight, A pint of ice cream is good too before bed.

Upon wakening in the morning drink a bottle of water and eat right away. Don't care if you don't have an appetite. Eggs and oats will be your friend.  I will say for me. I still smoke weed. It has never hampered my ability to make gains. It actually helps. Take weed away from me and I become an anxious nightmare that wants to hurt people. It makes some people lazy but it makes me never want to leave the gym. Slow and steady or you will jump in this game and be out real quick the same size you are now with less of an ability to produce Test naturally...

Ask yourself honestly... What are my goals??? short term and long term. If you cant honor a short term goal then the long term goals will not get met... This is the tough love part of MG when a new person comes in all enthusiastic and wants to do an oral cycle...  Show us that you are serious by posting a meal plan for yourself.  You research and post it and people will give you help...




Stunna, we are all rooting for you bro. This is a muscle forum, not a steroid forum so you are more than welcome here with or without steroids.

Take a progress pic, when you make some gains and compare to you previous pics it will help you stay motivated. 

Keep us updated with meeting your diet and training goals, we'll help keep you motivated. How many kcals did you hit yesterday?

how old are you? what kind of work do you do for a living? how long have you been hitting them gym
