Do work!


New member
Hey MG members -

I am an intermediate lifter who is interested in the sport, physiology and the biochemical aspects of the sport. Please don't confuse me with one of the guys who want the work done for them. I am brutally honest and a hard worker. I am looking forward to contributing to some strong threads and most of all, hoping to pick up some quality knowledge from all you GURUS out there! I will always keep it real, tell you what I know and call anyone out on bull$hit and only hope that this community will do the same for/to me. See you guys in the forums


thx for your kind words, we are here to serve everyone, and to build the best community on the internet. we are treating everyone like our brother not like on other place, i won't mention it here.
welcome and be active bro, earn karma points, also you will surprised that after earning many karma points you'll be able to change them on interesting things in the future.


glad to have you on our community, so I will say Welcome Friend!


New member
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