Do you look in the mirror every chance you get


New member

As sculpters of our bodies it is easy to become very vain if not completly conceded. My wife as well as myself have found that i have become more vien over the years of lifting. But is it a bad thing to relish the fruit of blood sweat and dedication brings oneself. I say no.



New member

Mostly when I'm at the gym and even then I'm not really looking at my self more spacing out at the mirror in my general direction while I recover for my next set.



New member

haha I`m constantly looking in the mirrors when iM at the gym! Its a lot less obvious to check out the hottie behind you by loooking in the mirror then turning around! They deff come in handy! haha


Semper Fi

New member

Not at home - But yes in the GYM :)  

Any at certain times there are more women in the gym than men here so mirrors are definately handy for that - BY far best part about living in Costa Rica - The woman here are gorgeous!




New member

it depends...if i am getting ready for a show then, YES, always looking to see what new has popped out or how things are looking...

right now, HELL NO, i dont want to look in a



New member

Only when I am naked and feel like swinging the jack hammer around! Nothing better than walking by a mirror and giving a nice pelvic thrust!

In reality, mirrors are important to me as it helps see what my strengths and areas of improvement are.



New member

Id say mostly at the gym when im passing by ill notice my bicep and what not but i won't go in like full flex mode or anything.



New member

I use the mirror to judge progress. I'm not obsessed with looking at the mirror and I go to great length to not appear conceited or arrogant. I have seen those people who are always checking themselves out in the mirror at the gym or anywhere else and I generally think they are dildos. Just my 2 cents, if its even worth that.



New member

i will sometimes flex a tricep or see if i can pop some veins out on my arms when im doing arms.  but as far as "flexing" in the mirrors at the gym? nope.  but i do look at myself in the mirror when i lift. mostly to see proper form and what not.  i will do vein flexing , I LOVE MY BODY SHIT at home. HAHAH
