Do you only use pharma grade clomid and nolva?


New member

Ive been reading multiple sections of the message board for quite a while and notice many people say only to use pharma grade clomid and nolva for pct.. But I assume 90% of the people here buy everything they use from ugls? I mean, thats kinda what this site is for isnt it lol. I was planning on getting everything from a certain top 10 source in the U.S. including the nolva and clomid. My question is, are they that much weaker/inferior to pharma grade tabs that it will mess up pct for me? I'm doing my first cycle ever prob in December, of just test 500mg a week. Thanks again guys.




Overseas ugl's have pharma nolva and clomid. They say its better because you know its dosed properly. Same goes for your ai's like adex, aro, and letro.



New member

What do you use Dolf, if I may ask? Have you tried domestic ones, and they didnt work? I just wanna have everything lined up before I dive in.



New member

No you can use UGL however you really should have a good idea the way the compounds work and the best way to do that is to have run pharma that way you know what your body should be doing. Many UGL's are fine and just as good but if you don't know for sure then have some pharma on hand at least. I always suggest 2 brands of those types of product.




I agree with nytex get the pharma stuff on your first run that way you know for sure what it does   maybe down the road branch off with some ugl but keep some pharma on hand that is one area you don't want to find out  after the fact that it's not as good 




I answered his question in the context in which he asked it. The key words being "They say."

Now the facts are this. Pharmaceutical serms, ai's, and da's come in a coated pill form, and are lab tested and made under quality control measures that make them precisely dosed as the package says the are. When you half it, quarter it, or cut it into 8ths it's still precisely dosed. No if, ands, buts, or guessing about it. It is easily adjusted up or down accurately. 

Overseas ugl hard pressed tabs are not coated, but are in tab form. They can be accurately dosed or inaccurately dosed, but can be split just like pharmaceutical grade to make small adjustments up or down. Theres more likely than not that there has been zero lab test conducted to ensure accuracy.

Domestic ugl's. Until recently these are items that were rarely carried by dom ugls. I only recall one that did and it was in liquid form. This brings me to the two primary forms that you see domestic ugl's carry. Liquid and capsule. With liquid form the dosing can be very erratic. .5 ml this time could be 12.5mg, the next time 20mg, and the time after that 5mg. As you can see this could and can be very problematic. Again there's most likely no lab testing done to ensure accuracy. Capsule form is good, and can be accurately dosed, but has its own downfalls. It's easily swallowed, but could be inaccurately dosed due to the fact once again its most likely lab test for accuracy have not been done. The main downfall to caps is making small adjustments. You cannot split caps into halves or quarters to make small adjustments.

This is not a knock on overseas or domestic ugl's serms, ai's, or da's. Many of our top sources go to great lengths to ensure quality of product, and take great pride in doing so. This is just the advantages and disadvantages layed out plain as day so that people can make an educated decision based on what's best for thenselves physically and financially because pharmaceutical grade is very expensive. 

As for myself I've used every form stated above with success, but being very gyno prone I now only use pharmaceutical grade ai's and da's just for my own peace of mind.



New member

I was actually in the same place you are man, exactly.

It was the talk of finding pharma grade pct (or else) that scared me off. 
I'm nervous about ordering anything at this point. Kind of put things on ice for awhile until I find a src I can trust. One that the experienced members of the site recommend, not just a bunch of accounts that were created to give good reviews and disappear.



New member

That is what I'm doing now. Linking from the profiles I think I can trust and finding their src reviews.
Now I'm just narrowing down to one src.




I'm on that pharma program too. Clomid, nolva, adex, exemstane, hcg all pharma! 

I've gotten them from a domestic source, as well as ordering fro europe. I get sketched out about buying gear from overseas, but feel pretty safe with PCT and AI's because they are not controlled substances. 

My experience with research chems has been hit or miss. Got some clen that had me shaking hard and the same supplier had sildenafil (viagra) that was about 10% of advertised dose.
