Donating blood on TRT


New member
Been on TRT for 2 years, and I’ve never donated blood in my life, my coach recommended me doing so co of blood thickness but I wonder:

Is there a preferred time to donate when you’re pinning? At the beginning middle or end of a cycle? This week for example I’m at the middle.. if I inject once a week donating the next day will interfere with the effect of the juice?

And how often should I donate for oftimañ hematocrite? Every three, six months my guess?

Thanks a lot


Well-known member
Donating blood would obviously lower your total T, but it shouldn't touch your ng/dl. As long as you're using long based testosterone, the time you're donating blood wouldn't really matter. And as much as I know, you can donate blood every 8 weeks.


Well-known member
Why would you need to donate blood? How's your levels? Also I've learned that if you don't hydrate yourself well before getting blood work the hematocrit levels will be high, because that's a ratio between plasma and red blood cells

What's your level of red blood cells count, hemoglobin, hematocrit? If donate too much your iron will be low causing more problems.

bobby ricky

Well-known member
I donate because I’m o negative and their always in need of it . When they test me before they pull blood it’s always fine. I don’t have to get it done just want to help people.


Well-known member
I donate because I’m o negative and their always in need of it . When they test me before they pull blood it’s always fine. I don’t have to get it done just want to help people.
Has it affected you in any way regarding training?

I'm O+ LOL

bobby ricky

Well-known member
I just don’t train on donation day. Pumps don’t change and no loss of anything. Can’t tell I even did it.


Well-known member
This is something we do when we use anabolics and want to control the thickness of our blood. Blood thickness is one of the main causes of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. By donating blood every 3-4 months, you are keeping yourself healthy and lowering your blood thickness. It's a super smart idea for all who use anabolics. I never had a problem donating even when blasting.