Donating , blood when you cant



Im not going to go into specifics here , but i know i need to get rid of a few pints of blood , i know my rbc (just touching the tip of what i need ) is very high. , 

where would a person that cannot donate , get rid of blood ? 

I know its been mentioned , to do it my self and propperly dispose of , but i find that appalling... anyone face this issue ?

ps , blood work will be coming next week.  but i onow i need donate. .



Well-known member

A physician can request a therapeutic phlebotomy. I also have heard that a few donation centers will do it if you have an order for it from a physician.

The other option, the one that makes the most sense to me in your specific situation, is to cease steroid use and your RBC levels should return to normal in a few months. The life cycle of a red blood cell is 100-120 days. Ceasing steroid use will decrease red blood cell production and eventually the body achieves a healthier balance.






i have barley even been on a cruise for months , i beennout of everything. i was draining bottles of prop getting 1ml e4d (which i know did about nothing )  before that i was ononly a theraputic dose , and i have noplabs on running , except for my normal cruise dose which ill have any day.  ... and trust me i need it because the sex drive energy everything went out the window. , almost felt like when i had deca dick. except if i really tryed i could get hard.  so i know i need my theraputic and thats all i have plans for.  

i k ow i need blood work which i will be getting but i know when my rbc is high. , it sounds crazy but when i get a cut the blood is so thick and dark when its high . 

looks like ill have to ask my dr for a script. , i cant remeber my last run. months ago like 3 i ran a little mix for like 4 weeks .   so its been months semp.  like i said. its been a while and no plans other than theraputic in near future. , 

im actually starting a full natty (my cruise of course) run here in a few days. , ive beennout of the gym for months also.  so.  looks like a script for me or ill call a few donation centers and see what can be done.  




Well-known member

Thanks for the info Sieg. With all the other concerns that you posted in other threads please at least go see a doctor. You could be dealing with a health issue that you can not handle on your own. You know I am not a huge advocate for traditional medicine but sometimes it is necessary and the responsible thing to do. If any other member posted on MG complaining and showing the concerns that you have you would be giving them the advice that I am offering you. Time to lead by example brother and follow the advice that we would offer any other member.






X2...see your doctor about a script for a therapeutic donation. Make sure it's a double red blood cell donation. While you're there a check up would be wise. Let the doctor know what all is going on. Like modt men mysrlf included we don't like going to the doctor, but ignoring the problem won't make it go away.




I know this dolf and semp,   thankyou. but no i have not ran in a long time. 

And its always the same story , money tight and work for self and ins out of the question. 

so i try to be my own dr.  .... and. ill be 100% honest with you both here. , im worried. this time. , out of the blue i will get vertigo ,  if i bend and get up i have to hold on. , if i read something.  ill start getting blue spots and dizzyness ,, 

wow.  guess i bought this , and i own this. mr stubborn , but if i had ins.  i would have been dr.  i feel guilty this time of year taking money from my family.  ans

d i already know what your both going to say without me theres no family.  i know this i have alot of changes comi g that i already put in place , but. i dont like sharing, because. its stuff i know i need do.  , and i made a commitement to just do it dont talk about it. ...and i have been.   

Rhis a lesson. for gym rats.  think you are invincible, because you skated for years. with out propperly going about things guess what. AND I MEAN THIS I FEEL , WHEN I GO TO BED AT NIGHT I MAY NOT WAKE UP. , 

to many years of winging it , to many years i have no e2 symptoms. , or my prostrate is ok. ect ect.  try shitting for 2 months and your shits like string cheece tru a shredder. WHY ???.   my guess inlarged prostrate. ,,   also. my diet sucks.  also i dont hydrate enough. ( I HAVE NOT#BEEN RUNNING I BEEN OFF )   but 4 fucking yearz later now.  and.  IM ANSWERING TO MY IGNORANCE ,  this maybe unrelated but it still does not change the fact !!!!!   that so fucking much can happen that we take for granted.  just because were feeling good.   let 4 or 5 years go by.  and then.  

time to pay the piper.     i will keep all informed.  thanks guys i know what i got to do.     



New member

Why do you find it appalling to do-it-yourself and dispose of it? I've been on TRT for +3 years and live too far away (airfare and expenses about $800) to donate or have a doctor help me out. My wife sets me up, drains a unit or two into a bowl, depending on the hematocrit levels and then we flush it. No judgement, just curious. 




Please explain the procedure. Might be easier to sit at home and drain a pint. Id make soup out of it instead of flush (maybe).

So, stick a 25g hooked to some surgical tubing into the vein?



New member

It is that easy. just like starting an IV. She’s a nurse but I’ve one it myself from a vein on top of my hand. As always good hygiene 




We had a medic who used to give himself an IV in the top of his foot. Be said that was the easiest spot because you could use two hands.



Well-known member

Your situation is non-typical and I am glad you have an experienced individual able to do it for you. If I was in the same situation or donation disqualified I might consider the same practice simply for health reasons. I personally would not suggest anyone doing this themselves unless they are trained or experienced and/or have a qualified person do it for them.

In the typical situation I personally would not recommend this procedure for anyone that is qualified to donate and has access to a donation center. Why waste healthy precious blood that could save a life?!


