dosage with blends



To answer the question, it’s a stack. Unfortunately, all three are apparently 100mg/ml  so you get what you get. It’s of my personal opinion to not do blends as it’s impossible to manipulate individual doses of each compound. A typical tren a, test p, mast p stack is 350 test 525 tren and 700 mast per week. While test and mast usually don’t need much manipulation, Tren Ace very likely may need to be manipulated depending upon how you respond to it. And, each run of tren May give an individual different, more, or less sides. A typical first tren cycle is 8 weeks. With short esters, I typically notice effects (not changes in physique) within 7 days. As far as a deca only cycle, well, as you’ve already read, very bad idea. You can finish what you have and chalk it up to a learning experience, or table the cycle for another time. In the meantime, do extensive research, train hard, and eat clean for 9 months to a year. Then, check in with yourself and really make sure that you’re ready to jump back into the world of juice. 

Please remember that using gear is by no means a fast track to your goals, it’s but a little part of the whole picture. Diet, training, and a healthy lifestyle is much more potent tham any gear. However, when those are dialed in, the gear enhances the effects of diet, training and lifestyle. 

Finally, the other responses  your post have very good information, and I found nothing in them that I disagree with. I understand that some may have come off as harsh, but let me tell ya, those folks are some of the best you’ll find on the internet; I guarantee they have nothing but your best interest at heart. Guaranteed without a doubt. It’s hard to read tone.

Anyhow, I wish u the best. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to post them.




Dang Blast. Good answer. And bro, welcome! I can relate, I began with horrible advice and bad first cycle meds....I honestly didn't even know what they were and still don't. I was too ignorant to realize how risky that was.

Some of these guys have seen and even experienced some terrible side effects, some quite severe. Thus a quick assist is usually called for and we kind of come from a world where a knock on the top of the head is the best wake up call.

One of the hardest things is to throw away gear....but sometimes its the best thing. I tossed $150 worth of Tren once!  Next is - beware of just the science without considering the real life application. The 'roids' that look perfect on paper are not necessarily the best in application - especially pending how they are blended and what your workout is like.

If you don't mind my asking and I am truly trying to be helpful.  What are your goals? Begin with end in mind....what do you want to achieve? If you were at the journeys end and it went perfectly what do you look like or feel like or have achieved or whatever it is for you....what is the goal?  

Then have you done the foundation work first? Diet and exercise?  If so now PLEASE come here and ask...."This is me and my body and my physical tendencies, I want to achieve this, anyone have an advised cycle?"  You will be blown away with solid options.

Darned glad to have you and hope you stick around and hope you stay safe and healthy and happy! 
