Dude this gear is definitely overdosed, pure fire !


New member

How many times have you heard that one ? For real how the hell would you know if gear is overdosed ? I mean what are you comparing it to ? Some toilet water you just got from xyz budget shop ? I hate when guys pop up and claim this. Reminds me of fanboy shit elsewhere. I haven't seen this here on this site yet though. 

I can't for the life of me understand how someone could post such a thing. Sure you are excited and yes your gear may indeed be very ligit but for crying out loud don't go around preaching that it's overdosed. You have no way to know that. Even consistent gear like my pharma test sometimes hits me a bit different and there are other factors too that determine how your gear will react.  

This is a pet peeve of mine. If you are happy with your new juice and getting good results then by all means come and tell all but don't look like a ass and claim that it is waaaaay overdosed and liquid fire. 




Yep, declaring gear overdosed should only be done when bloods are posted right there with the claim.




Some of these guys may not be gay, but I bet they'd hold that sources cock in their mouth till the swelling went down. Just saying...lol




I'm sorry, but I'm sure most will agree with me on this I'd rather have overdosed gear than under dosed gear. 




I would rather it just be what it says it is so I can do what I want with it  but if it had to be under or overdosed I guess overdosed because I'm conservative with my doses any way ( oh and guys the gear I just got is def overdosed shit is fire !!! so fire it left an Easter egg on my ass cheek and I can't Walk but I sure am growing.....jk) lol



New member

Man you bumped this old post and all I saw was the title saying this gear is deff overdosed and fire.... I was about to start a fucking rampage Lol. 



New member

I dont think its always nut hugging. It depends on who is saying it. If its a veteran then yeah they probably are sucking up trying to get freebies. If its a relatively new guy to it, then hes just excited thats all. Shit I remember getting lousy gear and then finally getting a bottle of something real, I was singin the praises. Sometimes people are just very happy to finally not  be getting screwed over which happens all too much in this biz . 




New member

Overdosed gear just means the cooker can't multiply or divide.

I agree with everyone that just wants it to be what it says it is. But then if I had to choose between overdosed or underdosed gear I'd choose od every time! :)



New member

So what if the Raws are under dosed ? I used to order all my gear from UGL's 15% over dosed. Finding good quality Raws the past 2yrs is getting harder and harder to find. 
