Estrogen Management - Mortality



I can only imagine the pain and agony the test subjects who's e2 levels were brought down to 1.0 to 2.8 were in! That's crazy!



Well-known member

This is the statement that stood out to me -

"This study showed that men with low testosterone had 65% greater all-cause mortality, while men with low estradiol suffered 54% more deaths. Men low in estradiol and testosterone were almost twice as likely to die (96% increase in mortality) compared to men in the optimal ranges."

Unfortunately for now we live in a health care system that wants to treat symptoms instead of the cause. You are 'no good' for business if they heal you and you remain healthy. My recommendation is for every man to visit a local ND. ND's have much different ideas concerning medicine and do focus on hormone balance.





New member

I got a new Dr. with my latest nearly worthless version of health insurance she didn't order the test my estrogen correctly.   What does ND stand for?




but I've kind of been my own doctor for the better part of my adult with a pretty good success rate, a few fails. But, I feel Ive done fairly well :)

Im sure I'm missing some things, no doubt about it, but with these articles being posted, it sure helps. Thanks for posting these nuggets of insight!



New member

We certainly need to do our home work to double check anything a doctor says


not to mention Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States!
