Favorite cycles


Well-known member

Did you see the size of that cock-a-doodle-goddamn-do?

[[{"fid":"34311","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","link_text":null,"attributes":{"alt":"Young Guns 1988 funny part","class":"media-element file-default"}}]]






Yea Bro, Dolf certainly is not recommending those doses to you. He is simply stating what he uses. He has the experience to know what his body needs. He also does bloodwork, donates blood, all the necessary things to be in this game.

We always need to think clearly and take a cautious approach. We also need to ask ourselves, Why are we using AAS.  Take it slow brother...




Why the thumbs down? I take my Dbol 50 mgs a day as well and if I use TNE I use 100mgs. I started with 50 mgs and then 75 mgs of TNE but 100mgs was my Ticket. Same with dbol. I tried lower doses but I needed 50 mgs a day although I split my doses. 25mgs upon wakening and 50 mgs prior to workout...  We are all different. I am on a cycle now that is just 500 mgs of prop and 50 mgs of proviron right now. I believe this will help me for my current goals. I have taken a shitload of gear on cycles. Its not necessary...

this reply dropped down because of all the replies... I don't see a reason for a thumbs down 5 or 6 posts above...




A very interesting thread! Someone managed to thumbs down Dolf's pre-workout combo... probably due to fat finger typing...Blast, you really should be a writer...if you aren't already. SF, that scene is hilarious! 
