Favorite spots to pin? Least favorite?


New member

Get the forum going guys and for my own advice too..  Ive only pinned my glutes and it's not so bad..  I have pinned my shoulder one time..  It crippled my shoulder..  Got an infection an all.. Swore to never try it again..  But pinning eod..  Ass cheeks dunt cut it. Could have been bad technique..  Crippling gear..  A mix of the 2.. But what's ur take? What's ur fav and least favorite place to pin? 




Bash here is my take , pinning is not supposed to cripple you... trust me I been there , I screen my gear any more , I cannot use eo,  ba must be like 2%  and I like to keep my bb around 15 -20. Tops.  Brother this is shit you need to log and figure out and there is a compound that starts with g ulo.  Something im not fond of.  But hey sometimes you have to shop , and your body will tell you what it tolorates.  I have not had , pip. , in. I cant member. , since I started asking , solvents.   Yes sore is normal. Crippling no. Andmif it was the best gear on planet and had eo.  Im out aint worth the pain. Yes bro logs , solvents what agrees what dont.  




I pin my quads in 4 spots, my pecs, and my delts. I like pinning all of them although I did have a bad experience pinning my delt, but didn't let me deter me. My buddies wife is a RN, and she says there's a new protocol for pinning. Its right above the hip bone in the waistline/love handle area. That's where doctors are pinning you now rather than the glute. I'm gonna go over and let her show me how.




ventrogluteal is what its called... i do it all the time,,, About a year now... I used to do dorsogluteal and quads (vastus lateralis) is my favorite spot,,, because i can reach and see what im doing!




Think I misuderrstood post above my bad.  , ahhh my ass. :))  the wife does it  so its very , well you know then shoulders. And quads. ,  pecs I dont have the balls , id have to be drunk.  And lats.  , I may try. 




Pecs to me are easy access like quads. I did pin my pec today, and right when I started injecting it must have pressured a nerve because my pec twitched hard and pulled the pin out of my hand. First time that's happened on anything other than quads.



New member

Thanks for input Sieg. I thought the same thing.. I'll keep an eye on how things go with this particular gear I'm running 



New member

I've heard venturegluteal is very popular I don't get the exact placing and don't want to fuck up and pin wrong area. I will attempt to do quads tomorrow. What's the best area to pin..  Ive heard upper outer area of quad...  That sounds right? 



New member

I've thought that pinning pecs was crazy til I heard of some people pinning calves. Fuck that! 




pretty easy.. its not too bad... my range of motion is not as good as id like it to be... kinda hard at my size... my wife usually does it for me :)





I'm not very flexible either. Maybe I shouldn't make fun of yoga anymore




Glutes and pecs for me I can use one delt on my right delt the skin will always turn red no pain or swelling just skinI can't seem to get my quads right when I get the balls up to hit them with my prescription test  it is like Charlie horse  for a week u guys can have that shit lmao!!!



New member

I did my first quad injection just a few mins ago..  Went pretty good no pain..  There was a damn muscle twitch as soon as I put the needle in..  Lol it scared me a bit but all good..  We'll see how sore it gets..  I got leg workout coming up
