Feel lethargic 2 days after 1st shot



Hi Guys/Gals I normally do 90-120min 4 days a week (eod) at Gym not a problem

started my first cycle on saturday 0.7ml test e 400 and had another 0.7ml 40min before my workout

this morning. I hit Gym as normal nothing over top (yet lol) and all seemed fine.

but hit about 50 min into workout and I come all over lethargic and felt sick every time I tried to do another set

I managed to do just 60 min. Then I just couldn't get my self to continue my muscles were not exhausted far from it mentally I was hyped up.

I just couldn't continue with out going very hot and feeling very sick. 2 hours later and I am still not 100%. my heart rate resting is currently up and down between 103-116 bpm good for burning calories ;) LoL

My 2 guesses and they are guesses are over trained as I have raised the bar constantly for last 6-7

weeks or being my first cycle (at last with legit stuff from daddxxxxxx) My system is adjusting

to the test e 400 I Do not know if such a long etha (e) would affect someone in just under 2 days?

Had 0.7ml =300 test e on sat and same today total 600ml from now on I was planning m & f 0.7ml each shot total 600ml week

and m/w/f 1ml (test p 100) to front load for 3 weeks untill test e kicks in but test p hasnt arrived yet

any advice or if anyone elce experienced this would love to hear

Thank you in advance ;) 

for got to add I eat a well balanced protein rich diet take fish oil creatine ect and get tons of rest I also eat bowl of oatmeal pot of arila 20g protein yogurt whey protein shake and 2 bananas before each workout for fuel.




well there is no way the test kicked in yet , my guess would be test flu ..the start of test flu , when you get cold and shake .and run a fever you know its test flu. even tho your only running .07, test 400 is test 400.  might allergic to EO .    how is the injection site. ..??  

if not sore or swelling i say. test flu. , you couldnt pay me to run high mg gear , ive had prop 200mg that had eo. and i gave it away. 




Injection site all good tiny niggle under skin but no swelling or redness on the lable it just has testo 400 in oily solution? doesn't say what oil was used its by 

I have read about test flu if it is I will push through best I can until it passes nothing going to keep me out of that Gym dont care if I have to take a water sprayer to cool me down LoL

Thanks for the advise very much appreciated :)




. i gave away. and that was 200mg prop it had , 33% EO.  ,  and im a guessing man. id say the eo. got you feeling like this i k ow it does me.  




I get almost what you are describing whenever I use ugl test e. I don't know why but I get lethargic for atleast the first week then it just ends and im fine. My belief is its the solvents or additives to ugl test. When I run my pharma grade test it doesn't happen to me. If it continues to be a problem i would change test labs or maybe just pull the rip cord and get out before you are in to far.

Good luck and good gains brother 




I agree 100% I wasn't sure if I was allowed to talk about eo but that's what gets me also 




THANKS EVERYONE had hot n cold shivers (light fever) last night woke this morning feeling a lot better

I am in for 3 bottles of test e 400 and 3 test prop 100 by another brand from same place if it comes back

on next pin I will try just test p eod and order some thing elce next cycle

again thanks guys :)




just realized. , that is a lab and we cannt talk lab , i also mentioned the lab. ..  i had to edit posts. , this is open forum. .. see i slip also from time to time. ..but no lab or source talk.  in forum.  
