Feels like Ground Hog Day

Welp...was told 3 more weeks until the air bags are good to go. I feel like it is Ground Hog day and Phil says 6 more weeks of winter! LOL...but this is only 3 more weeks..then docs exact words were, "I can turn you loose to go raise hell in the gym at that time." Hmmmmm...he must know me or something :)

Not fretting...this give me a chance to keep looking forward, to prepare further and pre-train more-get that inner beast really going!! 



I am rolling! Yeah...those 10's are feeling like tossing around a plastic bag! And in three weeks I will be that much more ready! 

Thank you for the laugh!!!!


Hey Dolf...yeah it is going to fly by. I have been so busy with work and what not that it is hard to even worry about it. And it could always be worse; it could be a jail sentence! LOL

So I will take my 3 week sentence to still "be good" and not lift too much from the doc...its better than getting rations for dinner and having a cell mate :)
