Finished by 16 week bulking cycle, now what?


New member

Looking for personal opinions, i have done a tone of research and there's so many different approaches.

I finished my first ever cycle of 16 weeks, with Test E and D-Bol on first 2 weeks.

How long should i wait to start my Nolvadex?

How soon to start a cutting cycle and what is a good stack?

Thank you.



New member

Thats a question you should have been asking before you even began this cycle. The information you are looking for is already here if you can find it. :))) 

Proper cycle planning is all part of maximizing the results of steroid use. Research is even more important.

There are standard protocols for PCT readily available.

I have to ask if you had any bloodwork done pre-cycle, mid-cycle and are you planning post cycle blood work?




Big, I'm assuming its your first time on a site like this. First I would recommend that you put some stats in your profile and maybe some stuff about you..

Also, click up top where it says Forums and you will see "Introduce yourself"  Make an intro and tell us a few things. As Far as PCT. Upper right corner where it says Google... Theres your research. Its not best to spoonfeed anyone info. You have to learn this stuff. You said you've done a ton of research but obviously not. You should know that 13 days after last pin of long ester test is when to start PCT. some wait a little longer like 15 days. You shpu;d also know that you should have Clomid on hand... 

I'd love to see you research here and reply to this and tell me what standard protocol is for PCT.... Trying to help, not bash. I already gave you a starting point....


Good Luck




Hint: there was a recent, almost exhaustive discussion on a thread not too far down the list. Always purchase all of your ancillaries prior to or concomitant with the purchase of your gear. Can't catch a fish without a hook.
