First blast and cruise


New member
I've been running 500mg test e for past 12 weeks (with great results) and am going to start a cruise for next 8 weeks. Was thinking 200mg of test split into 2 or 3 jabs p/week. I've had all my bloodwork done last week and all my markers are normal. I train hard 4-5 times per week. I was wondering what to expect on this cruise stage. I'm assuming mass loss / strength loss? Thanks for any advice on this

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
Well it depends on your body and metabolism. And your diet and training. I’m 45 so I just blast and cruise. But I still grow and make gains off 250mg P/W
Just is a little slower than if I was taking 500mgs. I’m also on more than one compound usually.
Only thing I’ve lost in the last year from tapering down the doses is water weight. The muscle stays put. If you’re eating good still. And training 4-5 times a week. I don’t see you loosing much at all, if any muscle.
But like I said we’re all a little different. And what works for me, might be different for you and your body.

If you bloodwork is good then my question is why not keep running 500mg for another 12 weeks?.. whats your reason for wanting to go in a cruse? Whats your age?


New member
I'm 53 bud...reason for blast and cruise is health based I guess. Figured I can't carry on taking 500mg p/week indefinitely right?

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
I wouldn’t say indefinite.
But as long as your bloodwork is fine and your lipids aren’t too skewed then I’d say it’s safe to continue with the doses you have been running for up to 6-8 month's at a time. Just keep an eye on your biomarkers. And if you do decide to do a cruse, you could do that for as little as a month, or two. Then go right back up to 500.

But I also understand where you’re coming from, and the concern for your overall health, and longevity. And your gear does go further.
It’s all in how the blood is looking though.
In my experience if my bloodwork looks good, which it usually does. I see no reason to change why I’m doing. Within reason

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
Once every 3 months.
I get a full panel. Check everything.Thyroid, prolactin, progesterone, shbg, CBC. HDL LDL. Estrogen… Free T… everything I possibly can. Usually costs around 200 bucks

Well-known member
your levels are looking fine because you're cruising for the last 8 weeks now.
Figured I can't carry on taking 500mg p/week indefinitely right?
no, you can't and should.
actually, your original plan is really good. may just experiment with other steroids/doses when blasting, if you want to.
I was wondering what to expect on this cruise stage. I'm assuming mass loss / strength loss?
yes, but it should be minimal considering you continue dieting and working out properly with everything else being in range.


New member
your levels are looking fine because you're cruising for the last 8 weeks now.

no, you can't and should.
actually, your original plan is really good. may just experiment with other steroids/doses when blasting, if you want to.

yes, but it should be minimal considering you continue dieting and working out properly with everything else being in range.
I'm only about to start the cruise...I've been on 500mg for past 12 weeks

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
Like I said. The bloodwork is the tell all.
If everything is ok. And when I say everything. I mean everything. Hormones. Heart, lungs. Liver and kidneys. Thyroid, prostate. All the systems. If all that’s functioning normal. You don’t have any inflammation. Diet and training are still on point. You’re good. Also you’re going to have to, and should donate blood.
Your hematocrit levels are goin to rise and your blood will get thicker being on test. You don’t want to increase your chance of a blood clot, stroke or heart attack. Usually twice a year I’ll donate.

No reason to fix what isn’t broken yeah?…
Not saying you should continue with the 500mg p/w. It’s your body. If you are feeling crappy. Then yes try and slow down and dial things in. Sometimes you just gotta go based on how your body’s is feeling.
Hope this helps brother.


New member
Like I said. The bloodwork is the tell all.
If everything is ok. And when I say everything. I mean everything. Hormones. Heart, lungs. Liver and kidneys. Thyroid, prostate. All the systems. If all that’s functioning normal. You don’t have any inflammation. Diet and training are still on point. You’re good. Also you’re going to have to, and should donate blood.
Your hematocrit levels are goin to rise and your blood will get thicker being on test. You don’t want to increase your chance of a blood clot, stroke or heart attack. Usually twice a year I’ll donate.

No reason to fix what isn’t broken yeah?…
Not saying you should continue with the 500mg p/w. It’s your body. If you are feeling crappy. Then yes try and slow down and dial things in. Sometimes you just gotta go based on how your body’s is feeling.
Hope this helps brother.
Thanks be honest, I feel fucking amazing and have done since I started this journey (I started on 200mg p/week initially and have moved up to 500mg slowly) I'm always wary of 'what goes up must come down!' I used to mess about with recreationals years ago and came crashing down like a WW2 Spitfire eventually. Since I started back in October last year I havent had a single side effect (apart from balls that now look like a couple of grapes) I've got 2 kids and at 53, not planning on having any more! This whole thing is a minefield but like you say, if it aint broke etc etc...I realise I'll be on test in whatever amount for good now, which I'm happy about. Being pretty new to this I think I've just got to figure out what's gonna work for me..thanks again for the advice bruv


Well-known member
lots of people are on testosterone for the rest of their lives. you just run the TRT (cruise) in a dosage that keeps your T levels in the upper, but still within the range. Then, optionally, if you want, you could blast (cycle) with higher dosages and/or other steroids for physique and performance enhancement purposes. if not, simply continue running test in low dosage for health purposes.


Well-known member
I blast and cruise.... I've lost on blasts and gained on cruises. (No one is perfect, I do this for fun and because I like having my shirt off in public... Falling backwards and setting goals is just part of the life)
I've found diet is more important than anything.
4,000 clean calories on 200mg of test is better than 1,000 calories on a gram of test.
And from a 500 blast to 200 cruise... You won't notice much of a change in strength or anything like that. Just get your test levels down to a healthy level.
Having test over 1100ng/dl for too long can cause cholesterol and prostate problems.

So blasting and cruising is the safest option, and like I said as long as you keep your diet and training on point... You can continue to grow.
I also recommend trying different compounds on your next blast.. like mast.
It's the greatest thing since pussy... I love how mast makes me feel and look. It makes you feel... Like you can run through a brick wall and fuck the rubble!


New member
I blast and cruise.... I've lost on blasts and gained on cruises. (No one is perfect, I do this for fun and because I like having my shirt off in public... Falling backwards and setting goals is just part of the life)
I've found diet is more important than anything.
4,000 clean calories on 200mg of test is better than 1,000 calories on a gram of test.
And from a 500 blast to 200 cruise... You won't notice much of a change in strength or anything like that. Just get your test levels down to a healthy level.
Having test over 1100ng/dl for too long can cause cholesterol and prostate problems.

So blasting and cruising is the safest option, and like I said as long as you keep your diet and training on point... You can continue to grow.
I also recommend trying different compounds on your next blast.. like mast.
It's the greatest thing since pussy... I love how mast makes me feel and look. It makes you feel... Like you can run through a brick wall and fuck the rubble!
That's the plan...I've started the cruise stage now (200mg p/week) and then I'll get my bloods done in a few weeks. Next blast I'm going to add 300mg Mast with the 500mg test..thanks again bruv


Well-known member
That's the plan...I've started the cruise stage now (200mg p/week) and then I'll get my bloods done in a few weeks. Next blast I'm going to add 300mg Mast with the 500mg test..thanks again bruv

You are going to love mast... It gives you that "feeling" you think you should get from gear. It's just the best fuckin compound. Libido through the roof, fills you out nicely, better state of mind and overall mood, plus it helps keep your est low.
If you have a wife... Give her a warning.
If you don't have a girl... Find one that doesn't break easily.


New member
You are going to love mast... It gives you that "feeling" you think you should get from gear. It's just the best fuckin compound. Libido through the roof, fills you out nicely, better state of mind and overall mood, plus it helps keep your est low.
If you have a wife... Give her a warning.
If you don't have a girl... Find one that doesn't break easily.
I've got a wife...she already calls me a sex pest


Well-known member
I've got a wife...she already calls me a sex pest

Yeah... Well it's gonna get worse... Or better... On mast. It's like being 18 again. It's insane. last summer I was on 400 tren and 400 mast and had to lower the dosage. I was so horny... So constantly it was effecting my job. We got into a fight at Target because I was basically throwing a tantrum because she didn't want to go into the bathroom for a "quickie"
I was having to change my boxers a few times a day because my 🍆 was just leaking precum. Once I dropped to 300mg it was much more livable. Still constant... But not so consuming.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
Yeah... Well it's gonna get worse... Or better... On mast. It's like being 18 again. It's insane. last summer I was on 400 tren and 400 mast and had to lower the dosage. I was so horny... So constantly it was effecting my job. We got into a fight at Target because I was basically throwing a tantrum because she didn't want to go into the bathroom for a "quickie"
I was having to change my boxers a few times a day because my 🍆 was just leaking precum. Once I dropped to 300mg it was much more livable. Still constant... But not so consuming.
Bro welcome to my world. I was like that without gear. Once I hit 40, something happened to me I became so fucking horny all the god damn time. Was definitely frustrating that’s for sure.