First cycle, can I up the Test?

Turning 40

Active member
Hi Everyone,

Quick Q.

Running first cycle (TestC, 250mg, twice PW). 5 weeks in and although I'm progressing I am a little disappointed and considering upping frequency to 3x pw (so 750pw in total).

Had a little issue with gaining belly fat at the start, upped the proviron (only to EOD) and that's solved the problem. With higher Test might need to increase ED (or change to stronger AI), but I know what to watch for now.

Still relatively low dosages so don't think it's dangerous but I've always had great advice here, so who else are I going to ask?

Thanks (in advance)


New member
The proviron you should be using 50mg per day, if you seem to be handling the 500mg of test per week well, maybe consider doing 300mg per dose twice a week. One thing to remember tho, you still have to put in the hard work, belly fat won't just melt away with a little more juice! You shouldn't really have to change you AI much. Depending on which AI your using I stick with eod or eo3d, cause the proviron will also help block your estro, but to little estro is not good either!


If this is your first cycle ,500 should be absolutly fine , hell my 4th and 5th cycle , all I used was 5-600 of test with great results , whats your diet , and training like ,??? Your either lacking in diet/training or your gear is bunk , or should I say way under dosed one true way to tell is to get blood work .. sieg


New member
Good point sig, could be his gear! I really don't think he's gonna notice much difference from 500-600. I know I really don't. I think it's lack of hard work, but that's just me!


The belly fat could be bloat. I'm with big and sieg here. You could up it to 600 ew, but make sure your diet and training is spot on. When your're on gear you have to train harder and longer than you did before. Also sleep is important. Make sure you get plenty of it. Remember you'll need to taper off the proviron or you'll feel like crap.

Turning 40

Active member
Certainly working like a beast, added 15kg (about 33lb) to bench already, happy with that. Being honest diet has improved but could still be better.

It's AlphaPharm gear. Because it was my first cycle decided to pay a little more to get 'good' juice ( I know that's no guarantee), and from a top ranked supplier (don't think I'm allowed to say who?). It comes as 10x1ml amplettes, so not easy to do 300mg per shot.

Dolf - special thanks for the note on cycling down Prov, did not know that.

Great advice guys, thanks.


That's great advice I got from standinup. Just passing it along. Hope you do the same someday brother...


you don't have to train harder and longer....will your recovery be enhanced sure...but I wouldn't say you have to train harder and longer. training should be dialed in long before steroids. my training didn't change ONE BIT going from natural to on. You don't need 25 sets for chest.......

Turning 40

Active member
Still got a helluva long way to go before thinking about giving anyone advice. But, if the time comes, I certainly will.


We differ in opinion then. Juice gives you the ability to train longer and harder with quicker recovery. Coupled with a spot on diet is what makes an enhanced lifter superior to a non enhanced lifter.


Nobody knows everything. If you know something don't be shy about speaking up. Its the MG aas pay it forward


quality over quantity. comments like that show a poor understanding of training concepts.


I say bump your test to 750 use your proviron ED split dose and for goodness sakes get some mid cycle blood work so we can see if it's your estrogen =)


Quality is right, but with aas i can do a few more sets on each muscle group with quality more so than natty. That is a direct quote from Mike Bell off of Bigger, Stronger, Faster. I think he may know a little more than you in both catagories. Aas and training.


Training concepts while natty and enhanced are two different animals.


That's true. Could you handle more? maybe. is it really beneficial? depends. My training didn't change one bit. And If you had a solid training routine before shouldn't need to change either. btw I was benching your current max when I was in high school.


dude I follow training logs of a TON of elite world class lifters.....I have also trained with a lot of elite lifters who are ON. Steroids increase work capacity YES. But it doesn't mean you have to train longer and harder. If your frequency and intensity were already right you really wont need to change much. Promise you that.


I was your height at 13. What's your point. Are you more of a man than me because of that. I was in Somolia getting shot at and killing terrorist when you were still asking mommy to pack your lunch for jr high. I've put myself through more mentally and physically than you could even dream possible. You wouldn't last 3 days through U.S. Army Ranger school much less combat. So don't come at me with your childish bullshit because im a grown fucking man!


Point is your arguing training with medicore lifts. Read my reply below this one. and your right I wouldn't last an hour of ranger school...I have zero desire to get shot at or run 10 miles a day.


A lot of people have physical capability. Mental toughness is what sets the men apart from the boys. When the body has failed and wants to stop, but do you have the intestinal fortitude and mental strength to push on. Gym training isn't shit compared to the hell I've put my body through. Why do you think I have so many joint and tendon issues. Its not because I'm a pussy. Its from the crap I endured that few men can. I'm laid back and easy going as it gets, and look for the best in everyone, but don't mistake that for weakness.