First cycle, can I up the Test?


New member
At 500 mg's a week you should be seeing some improvement. You'll believe anything you tell yourself. I've done 4 cycles and I've never exceeded 500mgs pw. Higher doses are just going to make you have stronger sides. There's no point


Well I wrestled in high school lol. All thats completely besides the point tho.


Soooooo you're really gonna compare high school wrestling to combat and Ranger school. You make such a fool of yourself on a daily basis. You have a lot of growing up to do


your getting defensive bringing up shit that has nothing to do with training to defend your weak lifts. make excuses for yourself all you want. I doubled 275 when I was 17.


Well i was fighting Somali terrorist in Mogadishu when i was 18. Tell me again how lifting 275 at 17 makes you a man again


lol WTF are you talking about??? quit bringing up the military. Im sorry your weak man I really am.


Get on your little crotch rocket and go cry to mommy. I've seen and done more by 20 than you will your entire life. I think my service to our country is a little more admirable than you benching 400 lbs. Grow up child. I've got honorable service, a smoking hot model looking wife, two beautiful kids, and a job making over 100k a year. You have squat except your homo erotic relationship with your training partner. Heres another difference shit for brains. I'm steadily getting stronger, but you can't grow taller...


lol your all bent out of shape because I said I benched your current max in high school. congrats you are taller than me, I disagreed with your statement. If you were really that smart about training youd be well over a 300lbs bench. your one of those guys that should research training as much as he does drugs. I know I know oh I have long arms, blah blah. Not only did I bench more in HS I was also lighter than you. I weighed 180. BTW ive been done growing taller since like 16.


my best is actually 440. have done 405 in an actual powerlifting meet Not that you would know but meets are a LOT harder.


Like I saidd you're a kid that has done nothing more in life than bench 400. I've got bros that'll put that shit to shame. The fact is you can't match me physically or mentally. Like d_t said you're body looks like crap. You powerlift because you don't have the discipline to diet properly. Once again we come back to your weak mental strength and lack of discipline. We could walk down the beach shirtless and not one girl would give a fuck about your bench, but they would care about your soft muscle and bloated gut. I'm not gonna subject the community to this petty bs anymore. I've already made abig enough fool of you. Or rather you've made a fool of yourself like usual.


lol im sure you do. There are VERY FEW people who can bench more than 450 raw at under 250lbs. If you have friends that can legitimately I would know who they are. And I powerlift because I care about functional strength not looks. I do respect bodybuilders tho and some are very strong. I haven't insulted you whos looking like a fool here? You forget this isn't a hobby for me its a passion. and I have trained at powerlifting gyms and done several meets. don't be spewing bullshit about your "bros" bench.


New member
If you've never exceeded 500mg a week how would you know the sides are gonna be worse? I've ran 600mg a week up to 800mg a week with no change in sides and a decent notice in strength above 600mg a week.