First Cycle check in


New member

Hey guys,

I'm 6 weeks into my first cycle.. I've been shooting 250 test e twice a week and will probably start my AI soon.

Just thought I'd throw down a couple notes about how things are going.

I'm definitely seeing some muscle and strength gains in the gym. Nothing like becoming the Hulk overnight, but it is noticeable. I've always had somewhat fitted shirts, and they are getting to be a little too tight now. Like uncomfortable,  looks stupid, need new shirts.

I've gained about 8-10 pounds, but in addition to the muscle becoming bigger, I think I've lost body fat as well.

I'm eating a lot more calories than I am used too (over 3,000) and I was probably eating waaaay too little before while I was trying to lose weight. I wouldn't doubt that I've doubled my calories and my carbs have gone up exponentially. 

Pinning isn't so bad... I've probably screwed up every way imaginable and I'm okay. It is definitely a matter of getting the experience under your belt.

My energy and mood is 1,000x better. I feel great and I'm really happy and deal with stress well 99% of the time.  Sometimes I have unexplained bad moods, but they don't last long.
Today, my nipple was really bothering me. I don't know if it was the shirt I was wearing or a side effect of the cycle.  I will do bloodwork this weekend to see if I am in need of the AI

I guess that I'm about 1/2 way through the cycle itself. What should I expect in the coming weeks? I've got all of my PCT and AI's ready to go...

I just wanted to elaborate on my mood a little more.  I feel GREAT, like a million bucks to be honest.  Aside from the obvious gym benefits, the effect this has had on my mood has been remarkable.  Oh, I haven't had any problems getting it up yet either.  I know that was something I was warned about earlier.

Sorry that I haven't been more active on the site, between work and workouts I'm pretty limited on time these days.




Looks like you have a great start to your cycle.  8-10 pounds is good so far.  keep after those calories and try to make sure they are clean.  Cheating a little bit will help too.  It's a good excuse to throw pizza into your diet every now and again. 

Nipple sensitivity is normal.  You probably won't need an AI for a test only cycle.  I would do a low dose of clomid for a few days and see if it helps.  It usually does for me. Looks like you are going to finish strong!




That's great to hear! Nipple sensitivity is most likely from your constantly hard nips rubbing your shirt. Push down on your nip and areola. If its tender down in there then that's something to worry about. Get the bloods like planned and that'll surefire let you know what's happening.

You can expect to plateau a bit in a few weeks. Just keep eating and lifting.




Blah, now is the time to do your mid cycle bloods.

I need to use my AI through a basic test cycle, I'd get E2 numbers around 150 if I did not use adex. Just a little works for me.

If you do take something for your sensitive nipple, nolva is better than  clomid.

Your not saving your AI for PCT are you?




Blah, Glad to hear your success. same as what the other guys said. Nips prob sensitive from them rubbing on ur shirt but do the bloods. I noticed you said " You were warned about getting it up" well, if I read that right, you will be like steel on cycle. When you pct you may have a problem for a couple to few weeks getting hard or even the desire for sex. ALL NORMAL.  Don't look at your first PCT with any expectations. We hear people say their depressed or Blah. Everyone is different. 13/14 days after that last pin start PCT and stay positive. If you're in week 6 get ready to look at some great gains in the next few weeks Then most likely plateau. Good luck my man...



New member

No, a few people said that I might not need it and a few people said that I should wait until I was a little way into my cycle to start.

Do you take AI's during PCT? I have the suicidal AI and I have nolva and clomid for pct.



New member

Sounds like the cycle is going exactly as it should.  The mood is certainly a benefit that we all enjoy, and is why trt is sooooooooo beneficial to those who need it.  Test is king in every way.

Not sure who told you about not getting it up on will typically be a walking hard on while you enjoy superphysiological amounts of testosterone.  Extreme elevation in estro can cause a loss of libido and erection, but is not typical for your current dose...elevated maybe, but not to dangerous levels.

Agree with Dolf regarding nip sensitivity, do not knee jerk react to it...get bloods and decide.  Elevated estro is not necessarily a bad thing as the body tries to keep a test/estro ratio.

Enjoy the second half of cycle, and dont push too hard.  Muscles are stronger, however tendons are slower to build so injury is common by throwing around big weights the muscles can handle, but tendons cannot.




That's right burrr. If in an active state of gyno nolva combined with aro is excellent. Nolva and aro work well together. The aro will kill the e2 and the nolva will work at the breast tissue receptors to block the aromatase enzyme. 




Blahblah said:
</p><p>No, a few people said that I might not need it and a few people said that I should wait until I was a little way into my cycle to start.</p><p>Do you take AI's during PCT? I have the suicidal AI and I have nolva and clomid for pct.</p><p>
My first cycle I played around with my Aro dose and found 5mg a day to be good for me, I did use it during PCT, but dropped the dose down to 2mg a day. These are small doses of ARO, gotta crush the pill up and cut it into little lines with a razor.</p><p>A little ARO, plus clomid and nolva is my idea of the perfect PCT. If you have a regular girl friend you might want to order up some boner pills for PCT, you may not have too much desire for sex, but you'll still perform. Give your lady a little notice that your hormones are about to drop for a few weeks, so she does not think something shitty is going on.</p><p> </p>


New member

Great advice man, I've been thinking about that because my lifts are increasing quickly.  My 1RM last week is my 4-6 rep weight this week has been the case for 3 weeks in a row now.

The nipple thing is exactly what you described.  I didn't know they would be erect at all times. They aren't sore behind the nipples, but yep they are getting irritated when I wear certain shirts (mainly new or freshly starched dress shirts) and I am constantly nipping out in T-Shirts.
100% with you on the wood too, pretty much wake up everyday ready to knock something off the table.

I wish my wife would do my pinning for me. Pinning yourself is pretty awkward at times, especially with how thick the oil is and how thin the needle is. Sometimes it is just easier to grab it like a ink pen and press down hard like I'm trying to click it.  I usually end up pressing, holding, then waiting a few seconds and repeating.

This whole experience has been really interesting. I'm learning a lot of practical information just through experience.



New member

Yep, I got a heads up on that and ordered a bunch of Viagra as well.   I've got a little pill cutting machine for chopping up the ARO too, just haven't cracked into it yet.
