First cycle, front load TEST - E or start with winstrol for 2 weeks?


New member

Hey guys i dedided to start my first cycle, at only 18.. many says its stupid but im already at a decent weight and just need a quick rip down from my 14-15% bf and a quick little bit of gains..

Im running some test-e at 600 mg/week.. i bought 30 ml of 300 ml, so i would have enough for 15 weeks, though im only running a 12 week cycle so first of all, should i run at 900 mg/week the last few weeks, or frontload now and run 1200 or something like that for the first two weeks? 

My plan was to run some winstrol @50 mg ED the last 4 weeks, i got 50 pills of 50mg. which is enough for roughly 7 weeks. 
So I could run it 6 weeks at the end, 1 week now or should i run it 2 weeks now, 5 weeks end or something like that ( for a kick start) 

Other than that i got
some Exemestane (Aromex) @ 25mg which i run E3D during the whole cycle
Some Clomifene Citrate for the end of the cycle (got 40 pills)
HCG for the end of the cycle. 




Beastpower you first come on here at 17 years of age, and we told you we weren't gonna give a minor cycle advice, but we would give you diet and training advice. You also remember that we told you you don't need to cycle until atleast 25 years of age or older. I still stand by that, but I also know that at 18 years of age, and having this gear in hand you will use it whether we advise you how or not. Many sites will turn their back on you being under 25, but I would rather see it done safely than see you possibly hurt yourself going at it alone. 

The first thing you need to realize is that when you start cycling most likely your natural test levels will never return to their levels prior to cycling! You also stand the chance of making yourself low t at a very early age and testosterone shots will be a weekly ordeal for the rest of your life. Weighing the risk vs reward is very important in this decision! 

Second you need to realize that steroids are not magic! If you don't eat properly, and take in a surplus of calories and have your macros (protein, carbs, fats) in the proper ranges you are wasting your time and money. Once your cycle is over you'll shrink right back down.

Also you need to forget about winny and front loading. Winny can have some harsh sides like the feeling of the flu and achy dry joints that hurt like hell to name a few. Winny is an advanced users compound. Period! Front loading is absolutely unnecessary for a newbie.

Pct follows diet as the second most important aspect of cycling. Pct helps determine how much of your gains you'll keep. You also need nolva to go along with your clomid for pct. You can run the hcg, but really isn't necessary for this cycle.

As far as an ai goes what I like to see on a first cycle is for you to get pre cycle bloodwork, mid cycle bloodwork, and post pct bloodwork. If I had it all over to do again I would definitely do this. Reason being is pre cycle bloods will give you your natural test levels so in the future you can see if your t levels return to that level or not. Mid cycle bloods will tell you if your test is good, and if you need an ai or not. I don't recommend using an ai first cycle so you can see if you're e2 sensitive or not. Now of course if you start getting signs of elevated estro you'll of course need to use your ai. Post pct bloods will tell you if you've recovered or not. If you do decide to run the ai then wait till atleast week 3 and start conservative. 12.5 e3d then adjust as needed from there.

Lastly is that first cycles are test only. Period! Your first cycle will be your best as far as gains go and it only takes test.

After taking all this into consideration and you still insist on cycling you need to read this ten times over. It's a sticky written by a UK member and it's an excellent read.

I do however believe you should remain natty and focus on diet and training while your natty t levels are at their peak. Taking advantage of that is priceless. 




X2 &+2 Dolf,  This is where I get a little disappointed.

Beast, You are playing with your HPTA. Google it. At 18 YO IMO you are making a big mistake that wont be seen till you're a little older. Iknow at 18 You THINK you don't give a shit but you will.  This is your first cycle and you're asking about nearly a gram of test a week. Winny doesn't rip you up, Diet does. Winny will make you harder,a little stronger and dry you out... Who are you going to go to if the winny locks up your joints?  I really can go on and on but like Dolf said, You wont listen... He hit you up with Valid AAS user points. I'm just touching on the LIFE points...  Its a dangerous game at 18 Playing with your Hormonal balance... I do wish you luck and I do understand. When I was 18 I was making worse decisions that landed me in prison at 21. There's always a consequence for your decisions...  Good luck.



Well-known member

Brother thanks for sharing. I agree with all that has already been said but I will ask one more question because your desire to run at an early age makes me believe that you have an impatient mindset that you should seriously consider correcting before AAS use. Impatience and AAS use leads to AAS abuse and ultimately disappointment because of unrealistic expectations.

Have you considered that at 18 years old you have not even come close to reaching your natural genetic athletic potential?



Mister A


X2 what everyone else has said. Dolf gave you the advice you needed before you started pinning.

To answer your question: no, you should not front load anything. I also don't think you should use Winstrol at 15%. Just run 600mg a week for 16 weeks. If you aren't making significant gains from that then your diet and training is the problem.

Now having said that, you are not approaching this optimally. You're a baby and your questions all signal how little you understand about what you're doing. Like Strong said, Google HPTA for sure and then when you're done Google humility and if you can find enough of it, ask us for help BEFORE you take action. All of us have been 18 and wished we were jacked. We know where you're coming from. We will help you reach your goals safely and effectively. I literally did exactly what you're doing now when I was 17 and it fucked me up for life. I'd like to see you avoid my mistakes. You can PM anyone of us and get solid advice.

Good luck bro.



New member

Thanks for posting, I stand with the brothers above, I'm young like you I'm currently 20 turning the big 21 this upcoming March. I was like you when I was 18 and was going to run a cycle straight after high school to help put on the size and strength I needed to continue my football career on the collegiate level. So i know all about the temptation of getting big, and wanting the results quick as possible. But like stated above by the fellow brothers here on the forum you really are not only risking low test levels by deciding to do this, youre also not done naturally growing, men dont fully stop growing until there early to mid 20's so youre also risking closing your growth plates as well just another thing to ponder, youre risking youre overall health for future years to come. I decided against a cycle after highschool and did my first in August of 2015. Youre young and full of passion and i understand that more than many, but i cant stress enough how important researching is. I highly recommend you research aas for at least 3-6 months to know at least the basics of cycling, the compounds, what they are, and how they work and affect the body. But as stated above you probably will not take this advice to heart, and with gear in hand will choose to run anyway. I do not condone aas use nor am i encouraging you to do it, but like Dolf said above id rather see you do it safely then venture off and doing this with no guidance. I am by no means an expert on aas I'm still currently learning everyday, but i will run through the basics for you, and how I completed my first cycle (which was a huge success thanks to the brothers and sisters on this forum). First for your first cycle you should drop the winny and run a Test E only cycle. 2 reasons for this, 1 Testosterone is the base to all cycles, you should never run a cycle without some sort of testosterone in the mix, and reason 2 is you need to run one compound at a time so when sides do show up, you know what compound is causing them and its easier to handle them if you know what compound is the culprit. A good dose to start with is 500-600mg a week but ive seen people who use less around 300-400mgs for there first cycle and see great results. Dont go any higher than 600mgs until you have a little experience under your belt you dont need much to see good results the more mgs you use per week the more likely sides will appear and its not worth it for the extra couple ibs you might put on. Also the Enanthate is a longer ester meaning you need to inject every 3 days to keep blood levels stable i chose to do a Monday Thursday pinning schedule you can do what works for you. I ran a Test E cycle for 12 weeks at 500mg per week and gained 25 ibs and after PCT was finished I kept 18. So if youre going to go through with this, even though it is against my best wishes we are here to educate so this is the cycle I would run for your first go around.   Now for the cycle itself i would run it like this Weeks 1-12 Test E 600mg/week (300 mg every 3 days). Now for an AI since you said you had aromasin I believe, you shouldnt have to worry about that until week 3-4 and if sides do appear (if your e2 sensitive) i would start out with 12.5 mg e3d and adjust dosing from there. Dolf is also correct about PCT being a very crucial part of cycling especially at your age for 2 reasons. 1 it is necessary to do if youd like to keep your gains , and 2nd it will kickstart your natural testosterone production back up. You will want to start pct exactly 2 weeks after your last injection in week 12, i say 2 weeks after because enathate is a longer ester and needs to be completely out of the body before you run your PCT or it is useless. PCT is run for 4 weeks (wks 14-18) and the below numbers are mgs to be taken everyday I would recommend Nolvadex and Clomid to be run as follows, this is the go to pct in most cases. Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/100/50/50. Now even with all the information I just gave you, without proper diet, and workout regimen, its useless. And you just wasted a decent amount of money. Being natty or not the key to growing is good ole Eating, and sleeping. So brother if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to pm me, ill help you out the best I can, and if theres something I dont know i will point you in the direction of someone who does. Best of luck and be safe.





Well-known member

Got to respect little brother Malt for coming out and offer help with someone in his generation. +2

Thank you Malt for your input on this from a new perspective!




Well-known member



Now you can hand out +1's as you see beneficial and helpful posts in the community!





What can i say that hasnt been said , 

Before starting your cycle , get the blood work , and you just maybe shocked at the amount of natty test your body is producing 18 you should be bringing back high number yhat make you think ..its not the test thats the cause of you not getting where you want to be , then consider , diet and training , why waste the time , fuck with your hpta , unnecessary pin ..??????

But if your heart is set on it , i know.if it were me., and i done it ...i did it 100% natty ..

Just something to think about , honestly i was always 145 - then 160 at a max weight , i thought i had a major problem , at a young age i ended up in prison , then i seen the truth ..i ate the shittiest of food , but everything was very high in starch and high marcos , i honestly had the time to committe to the working out , and last all the time to recover and i blew the fuck up like a weed ..

The sence of accomplishment doing it natty far out weighs , doing it with supplamenting .

Said my peace , now good luck on your decesion 



New member

Hey guys, sorry to let you all down. I took my first shot last wednesday... 300 mg. 
Should i stop now and do a short clomid pct, and sell my gear to another kid, or just run the cycle out?
If i stop now, will it have any serious effects on my health?

Kind regards




You can stop after one pin w/o any issues. Dont sell your stuff to another kid. sell it to an old guy or toss it out.
