First cycle, front load TEST - E or start with winstrol for 2 weeks?




BeastPower123 said:
</p><p>Hey guys i dedided to start my first cycle, at only 18.. many says its stupid but im already at a decent weight and just need a quick rip down from my 14-15% bf and a quick little bit of gains..<br /><br />Anyway, <br />Im running some test-e at 600 mg/week.. i bought 30 ml of 300 ml, so i would have enough for 15 weeks, though im only running a 12 week cycle so first of all, should i run at 900 mg/week the last few weeks, or frontload now and run 1200 or something like that for the first two weeks? <br /><br />My plan was to run some winstrol @50 mg ED the last 4 weeks, i got 50 pills of 50mg. which is enough for roughly 7 weeks. <br />So I could run it 6 weeks at the end, 1 week now or should i run it 2 weeks now, 5 weeks end or something like that ( for a kick start) <br /><br /><br />Other than that i got <br />some Exemestane (Aromex) @ 25mg which i run E3D during the whole cycle<br />Some Clomifene Citrate for the end of the cycle (got 40 pills)<br />HCG for the end of the cycle. <br /><br /><br /></p><p>
.  </p><p> </p><p>18 and life to go...... Smdh....... Can't and will not advice on this matter, like sieg said...." You were told that you're too young. </p><p> </p><p>Good luck young blood....</p>


New member

Doing good progress, increased strength about 15% first two weeks in bench... Kinda aggressive, and have mood swings but thats about it. :D
