First cycle recap and thereafter


New member

Hey guys 

Bash here just finishing up my 1st cycle..  Ive got my last shot of test e250 tomorrow. :( so sad Lol. I thank u guys for all your help prior to and during my cycle! I updated some of the results on cycle portion of the page. 

Pretty much my first ever cycle went amazing! A few bumps at first with pip and a bad shoulder shot.. Since then Nutting but gains and overall well feeling..  Up 15lbs with almost no fat gain..   Srs! Strength also increased..  My cycle was 500g test e per week with a Kickstart of dbol for first 5 weeks..  I discontinued arimidex in week 5 or 6 due to awful joint pain..  Have not used it since.  No sides..  A few acne in shoulders.

What protocols once u come off? Food intake keep the same..  Drop it? Can I keep all my gains? I sure as shit hope so..  What tips help to assist once off the gear.. 

All input appreciated 



New member

awesome brother! I am in my first cycle as well just wek 3.  Things are really starting to kick in and I am loving it.  Glad to see you had a successful cycle, now is the time to keep at it and make all that hard work pay off.  Personally I woulld keep your calores up for atleast several weeks to try to maximize your gains and not lose any.  Are you going into a PCT now or will you be crusing?  That will make a little bit of a differenc ebut not much I would still advise keeping cals high or several weeks.  Also, what are your short term/ long term goals now post cycle?




Keep your calories up and relatively clean as you can. You'll lose the water weight. Not much you can do about it. If you're doing pct you'll lose motivation for the gym. Make sure and drag your ass in at all cost. :) I'm definitely glad to hear you had a great 1st cycle. Bet you're planning the 2nd already!



New member

on my first PH cycle i really messed up and dropped cals after PCt because i fewlt so fat ... HUGE mistake, listen to the advice above and as I said keep them up, that water will fall of FAST and youll lean out in no time and keeping it up will help keep as much of the good stuff as possible.  The no motivation part is true as well, and it SUCKS but you gotta grind it out... keep your focus on that next run :)



New member

Yes I will be running pct in 2 weeks and already planning my next cycle..  Just thinking it over really...  Not sure if I should do a cutting cycle for summer..  Or keep growing.. I think I may cut. Run maybe npp or Masterson with test...  Still thinking it thru. Ima keep my cals high and push thru my workout to try to keep getting stronger. Long term..  I think I will be doing steroids for the rest of my training career..  to be as safe as I can




Mast has many benefits, but as a cutter it works best if you have a low bf%




Sust/npp is a favorite around here or prop/npp, but thats quite a bit of pinning for your 2nd cycle.




Well Test Prop and Diet bro =) if you want to get kinky throw an oral in....Npp deserves to be in a calorie surplus By cutting I assume you mean dropping you calories into a negative which if thats the case you need calories for anabolics to shine So if you cut just use some prop and an oral of your choice to help retain muscle while in a deficit 



New member

Test prop is very popular..  The thing is I have 2 300ml/10ml vials of test e saved for my next cycle..  So if I run it at 600mg.. That would last me 10 weeks..  So thinking of running a longer cycle but would have to get another vial for possibly..  15 weeks..  OK to do maybe test e for first 10 weeks and then do test prop..  Or vise versa..  Start with prop and end with enth?..  I was thinking maybe anavar..  Clen..? I would prefer to pin less often as dolf said..  But I am down to getting kinky ;)




Run Prop all the way through it will be a good learning experience for you.Try 150mg-200mg EOD  for 8-10 weeks and start anavar 50-80 mg Ed(depending on quality) on  week 2 and run that the whole duration (8 Weeks)....It will be a good learning experience for you...You will also have an easier time in pct.Save the test E for another cycle....This is a simple yet effective cycle when cutting.



New member

Thanks trip. 

Is it OK to run var a full 12-14 weeks? 

Thinking of going a lil longer this second cycle since first was only 10 weeks




He layed out an 8 week cycle for you.

Week 1-8 150mg prop eod

Week 2-8 50mg var ed

Aka: a shorty

You can gorie
