First Deca/Test E Cycle real time with data

Hey everybody,
This post is to provide information and gain information. I am a 40y/o male, 5"8" and 178# (COVID did a number on me)

Skeletal Muscle Mass: 86#
Body Fat 15.8% (I was 10% bf COVID)

Total Testosterone 360 (I know this is low, I did it on purpose)

My current cycle:
200mg deca and 200mg Testosterone E taken twice weekly (M, Th)
0.5mg Arimidex twice weekly (W, Sa)
250IU HCG twice weekly (M, Th) after second week

I am on my 3rd injection starting the second week. After 5 weeks, I plan on labs including total test, estrogen, and prolactin. If labs look good, will increase to 500mg deca and 500mg test for the duration of cycle. Debating adding proviron 25mg/day vs anavar 40mg/day for the last 4 weeks. Total cycle will be 10 weeks.

PCT will start 2 weeks after last injection with 25mg clomid daily for one month. Will resume HRT. Main goal is to avoid negative effects, as I have test prescription.

I will update this post as I gain experience. All gear was sourced from a single supplier on this website so the labs will give some concrete data. I am absolutely welcome to any suggestions or questions.
Starting third week and I am beginning to notice increased muscle mass. I assume this is the Testosterone E more than the Deca this early on. I am also starting to HCG 250IU twice weekly, upping the Arimidex to 1mg twice a week, and adding 50mg/day Anavar.
I will take labs in a couple of weeks to check test, estrogen, and prolactin levels. I believe the Deca is absolutely legitimate because my shoulder arthritis/tendonitis is all but gone after second injection.
InBody scan Update

Weight: 184.1lbs
SMM: 90.4 lbs
PBF: 15.3

Roughly one month into cycle and scan showing 4.4 lb increase in muscle mass with a 0.5% decrease in body fat percentage.


Well-known member
I recently did a test and deca cycle and absolutely LOVED it. I have never seen my bench press go up like it did and i was a monster. I am 5'8 with a slender to athletic build, and i was weighing 195 LBS. such an amazing cycle. I think I will run NPP next time I want to do a Nandralone cycle. I believe you can use Proviron during your whole cycle as well as Anavar. Proviron is weak enough that you can just always run it to keep SHBG down. its also good for sex drive. I have Caber on hand as well but I never really needed it. Caber made me horny as hell but also sooooo sleepy for some reason. anyway. good luck with this cycle. I am now a huge fan of deca or NPP for mass gaining.
I recently did a test and deca cycle and absolutely LOVED it. I have never seen my bench press go up like it did and i was a monster. I am 5'8 with a slender to athletic build, and i was weighing 195 LBS. such an amazing cycle. I think I will run NPP next time I want to do a Nandralone cycle. I believe you can use Proviron during your whole cycle as well as Anavar. Proviron is weak enough that you can just always run it to keep SHBG down. its also good for sex drive. I have Caber on hand as well but I never really needed it. Caber made me horny as hell but also sooooo sleepy for some reason. anyway. good luck with this cycle. I am now a huge fan of deca or NPP for mass gaining.

I can't describe how happy I am with this cycle. I have one more pin left to go and will be getting another body scan in about two weeks. My joints feel incredible and I am packing on a ton of muscle. People that see me on a regular basis are commenting that I look bigger every time they see me. I kept caber on hand but had no estrogen/progesterone issues at all with the Arimidex. I didn't get labs because I spent all my $ on more gear!


Hey brother I'd run the cycle for 16 weeks. Deca is a long ester and quitting at 10 weeks your deca will not yet have hit peak blood levels.

Another piece of advice is if you are on TRT/HRT forget about the pct. Just go straight into your TRT/HRT.
Hey brother I'd run the cycle for 16 weeks. Deca is a long ester and quitting at 10 weeks your deca will not yet have hit peak blood levels.

Another piece of advice is if you are on TRT/HRT forget about the pct. Just go straight into your TRT/HRT.

Good advice! Thank you. This is my first real cycle outside of just testosterone and Ive made incredible gains. Ill order more deca.


How's your diet brother? Food is the most anabolic substance you can put in your body. Eat big to get big!