First PCT advice, nolva and clomid dosages?


New member

hey guys just seeking some advice on running my first PCT, ive been doing test e 500 weekly can anyone recommend a good dosage for nolva and clomid?









The first thing that needs attention is the testicle. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is needed to prevent testicular atrophy. 300-500ius every 4-5 days throughout a cycle will do the trick. IF you have waited until the end to fix the problem, take 500ius ED for the last 14-21 days of your cycle. After the testicles are taken care of we can work on restarting the HPTA. Here are a few ways in which you can address the problem.

SERMs have been documented in studies, personal experience, and real world feed back to aid in restarting the HPTA

Basic Clomid post cycle therapy (pct):
Day 1: 300mg
Day 2 to 10: 100mg ED
Day 11 to 21: 50mg ED

Basic Nolvadex post cycle therapy (pct):
Days 1 to 14: 40mg ED
Days 15 to 30: 20mg ED

There is also an alternative post cycle therapy (pct) that I personally dont recomend, but has worked for others.
Using the Herbal supplementations along with Proviron will help decrease the possible crash and increase libido. If you are one who recovers better than most, this way might be better. Although proviron can be suppressive, some can recover while using it. The HPTA will recover from time alone, so this post cycle therapy (pct) will take care of the crash symtoms and help get you though untill your HPTA recovers on it own.
 Using any of the above post cycle therapy (pct)s will not guarantee recovery. It is only a guide line to help. Everyone is different and you will need to find the best post cycle therapy (pct) to help you recover.
The only way to find out if you have truely recovered is blood work, so make sure you get the test done to find out whether the post cycle therapy (pct) you chose worked for you.

I hope this helps.


Well-known member

How long have you been running? Also what estrogen blocker (AI) are you using on cycle if any?

Supps gave good advice above. However, depending on what you have on hand, there are other ways do to a PCT. However, if you are really stuck between clomid and nolva always pick clomid.

Little break down as why:

Clomid blocks estrogen at the pituitary when the pituitary sees less estrogen it starts to make LH, LH (here is the name if you want to look it up Luteinizing hormone)  is what your testis need to make testosterone. So the less estrogen your pituitary glad see the more LH it will make. Kinda like kick starting you testis after a cycle. Also you can stay on Clomid for a good 6-8 weeks, even if you back to normal Clomid will still block the estrogen to the pituitary and your testes will make more testosterone.

When your one cycle not only do you shut yourself down, because you have more than enough test, but test does convert to estrogen that is why its important to have a AI in your cycle. When to much estor is in the body the pituitary gland will stop making LH.

So the short answer if you can only get one thing for a PCT, Clomid is the best you can get, to help kick start you back up. just my 2 cents.
