first steroid cycle


New member

Ive busted the same rules on here and the mods wont tolerate it and its for all of our protection. I followed many committed members on here as well for a year, read their reviews, and had a good experience while shopping for stuff. Ive never been burned, since.

I kept my mouth shut and never asked questions conceening proper cycling, which is just a small part of the whole program. I needed the valuable feedback that you have been receiving. Trust me, you will appreciate it later when you learn why your Penis no longer works, gained 30Lbs of water weight and start getting painful and itchy nipples as well as unwanted growth around your nipples.

It makes sense to run Test only for first 2 cycles to see how your body reacts to it. Your body may have an alergy to it; it does happen. The liver may reject it, and especially that Dianabol is powerful and liver toxic. Dbol is truly for an experiwnced user. 30 mg is enough for a beginner, and that is with some cycles under your belt.
A couple of years ago, I ran a dose of deca much higher than Test and ran both for 14 weeks ( internet educqtion and feedback). My Dick did not work at all, my balls shriveled to nothing, major prolactin issues, and with a terrible diet, I put on 35 Lbs; ten of those pounds looked like muscle; I turned into a water bag and knew nothing about an AI, DA or PCT, looked like shit unless I had a good pump showing only my arms. I was embarrassed. Now I know why. I still knew nothing about AAS and I should have been told that I was not ready for them, and I wasnt ready because I did not know how to cover all of my bases.

I figure, why run something that I know nothing about. I still know nothing, Im different than everybody else and internet junk is more than likely junk because running 500 mg of test and the same Mg Deca, or 800 mg,(Ive learned on here that deca should be ran on a lower mg basis, and Deca should be ran for at least 12 weeks or longer, and 2 weeks shorter than test), is a definite potential for nasty side effects. 

Take your feedback as a blessing, I was too late and kept my mouthshut- it cost me dearly. Im not even Thinking of my next cycle, and when I do, ill just run test only. Im more tunning into perfecting a good diet and harder work. I got better results running Test Cyp 250 at 250 mg a week, (A 20 year old man produces what is similar to70 mg of Cyp alone when working a solid program) and diet. 

Im a fuckup with this stuff, and kept my mouth shut on here and its costed me; but I do understand, it just sucks that I did not take this stuff seriously. 

Good luck bro.




X2 to all y'all above. It's all been said at this point! But, I'll say it again, fast and easy is NOT the name of the game, the name is work hard and long. Easy comes, as easy goes. Shit, grandma drilled that into me as a child. Ever notice how when the harder you work, your luck increases? Think about it....
