for the begginner



  • WHAT IS ELEVATED  E2.  IN LAYMAN TERMS--its when you get moon face ,,your body starts to bloat and swell,, its when you get that uncontrollable acne all over your ,face and chest and back,  and start to develops lumps under your breasts ,, and the nipples start leaking ,and a total feeling of shit...


  • OK WHAT IS ELEVATED PROLACTIN--its when you start loosing all sexual desire ,,its when your lieing  next to that special someone (wife,girlfriend,fiance) and you can't get it up no matter how hard you try ,,its when the significant other starts thinking your having a affair because your not into her,,, then its when you don't want to train anymore because you don't have the energy or drive ,,and in worse case senerio after all these f---- up feelings build up and the depression is so bad you want to take the gun out back and end it.  


  • Now still want to do AAS,  these things got you thinking good now go to our forums and you can get the technical and propper meaning .?.the reason I'm gonna start posting the down side facts here is the last couple days I seen posts around the boards and its heart wrenching the kids crying because they didn't follow advice and all these symptoms at once they developed ,, if I could touch one kid or should I say young man I done my job its sad to see
