From Hair to Eternity


New member

Ok so joining the dark side and on a Test E cycle (450mg x 12 weeks) for the very first time, I have good head of hair for a 48 year old, I don't known my biological father or family. Will I looked like Hulk Hogan come the new year...?  

Serious answers only! 



New member

my hair line started to recede when i was about 20....yup that sucks. been buzz cut pretty much about 15 years now. it would be nice to have a full head of golden flowing locks. ok rambling when i started aas and went thru a couple cycles i noticed it started to thin a lil in back on top. i think if your predisposed to it then its probably gonna happen some, depending on type of compounds and doses. If your 48 and  and still a have great hair then your probly gonna be alright.




Yup my hair been disappearing since early twenties. And aas does thin it out more but it's been falling of my head and sticking to my shoulders and back for years :)  if you got a lot of hair already you should be cool




naa Scandal... Like Dragon said. If you have a predisposition towards losing hair it will speed up the thinning... I unfortunately am thinning quicker since I started using AAS but I have 4 older brothers that don't use AAS and they are thinning as well. No shit guys. I started using Rogaine 3 months ago and the shit is working for me....
