funny how popular AAS is




I recently began training with a very strong crew at a powerlifting gym. Today I was telling the main dude about my massive lower back pumps....he responds......well what are you taking? lol now I had never told him or anyone else there about my use so I was hesitant to say but finally I was just like dbol.....and then he talks about kidneys and all that and it starts up an entire convo about juice.

Basically pretty much everyone there is on something lol. Even more common than I thought I guess.




guess so. I know a HUGE circle of lifters personally in real life that are ALL currently on. some just test. some test with loads of other shit....etc etc




sometimes its unspoken but a lot of times guys will talk about it if they think you are too or just don't give a shit lol. I think because im decently strong he just assumed I was and when I mentioned lower back pumps that was a dead giveaway lol. which caused him to admit his own use.

he said that's why he doesn't use orals anymore




But still a few of my bros that don't even workout ,or should I say my workers ,look at me like ,I'm big because I juice ,everyone here seen my off cycle pics ,,I guarantee if they used a cycle ,they would get shit ,#1 don't train ,#2 don't eat , #3 no foundation to build off ,aas  is not magic ,if you don't have a foundation ,aas isn't going to give it to you 




Aas is like coke was in the 70s ,I was a teen but everyone heard of club 51 etc ,, Dr,s run mostly HGH,hcg  everyone is on ,




Every gym I use to go to 18 ,19,20 year old kids repping 300 ,and got traps beyond ,traps where you can't see neck 




I agree but that's not really what im discussing. just surprised how many other users I know in REAL LIFE.

Im sure even before I started using a lot of people probably thought I was taking something. But I really don't give a shit lol.

your right tho that the BIGGEST misconception about AAS is that they just blow you up overnight and you can get huge and strong easy.......its just not still have to work your ass off and actually be even more disciplined than when natural.

I chose to use because my goal is to get to the "next level" so to speak in powerlifting. and ill tell ya what I am a good 60-70lbs stronger on deads and a good 20-30lbs stronger on bench since being on. but its taken months of work.




Majority of serious lifters use anabolics from what ive seen. and in the powerlifting community its extremely prevalent. some guys wont admit to it but id say a good 60% of serious lifters are ON. Today in the crew I trained with there were ehhhhhhh like 7 guys there.........2 were natural lol




lol who knows I gave up trying to figure out who is and who isn't. I respect the guys who are honest about it more tho.

I just focus on the one thing I can control......MEE




Dont flame me guys but people always say steroids arent magic.True you do have to work your ass off,but if testosterone supplementation can take a women and turn her into a fricking man with a beard I would consider that a miracle drug.Non users discredit everything when guys  are enhanced,and guys that are on discredit the juice itself almost saying they do nothing in a way .there has to be a middle ground.just my 2 cents(trying to get involved wake this websit up lol)




Dont flame me guys but people always say steroids arent magic.True you do have to work your ass off,but if testosterone supplementation can take a women and turn her into a fricking man with a beard I would consider that a miracle drug.Non users discredit everything when guys  are enhanced,and guys that are on discredit the juice itself almost saying they do nothing in a way .there has to be a middle ground.just my 2 cents(trying to get involved wake this websit up lol)




Those women that look like that also have to train and diet their ass off for YEARS. Trust me that shit doesn't happen overnight. And as a user while yes they are extremely powerful and I have made great progress they do NOT replace hard work.....but again I PROMISE the women your referring to trained and dieted for YEARS to look that way. HARD WORK




In summary do they give big advantage over being natural or a natural lifter? ABSOLUTELY

are they magic and do they get you big and strong overnight? ABSOLUTELY NOT

you still have to train properly and eat decent

I 100% guarantee if you couldn't get big and strong naturally and don't know how to train steroids will do jack shit for you




when you hear people talk about how you should build a solid NATURAL base first its because doing so will ensure that you know how to train, eat, and be dedicated.

if you don't know how to get big and strong naturally....your wasting your money and potentially your health using anabolics.




Much appreciated ,the more feed back the better ,glad you chimed in , and welcome agion ,yes they will do something ,a beard ,and being jacked are two different things ,,just like bros with no foundation ,and start using aas expect miracles ,,not happening you might get the water weight ,and some size ,but if your rocked out at 185 ,195. Natty ,got logs and well defined from 25 years of killing yourself natty ,then jump on cycle run propper eat propper , bang ,ripped ,jacked ,what ever ,just straight diesel ,,and I'm all for turning it up around here ,don't trip ,good to have your input




I wasnt talking about women who take them to enhance physique I was talking about women who want to have a sex change.I do agree with you,but there was a study  dont know which im sure you could google it if you please,they did a study of like 3 groups 1 with 300mg test,1 with 600 mg of test and one group completely natural by the end of the experiment the group that was enhanced gained 3-7 lbs of muscle now this experiment was done without any form of weight training.(Its been awhile since ive read this study so my numbers could be off) but yea just food for thought.
