Gearing up


New member

Getting ready for my second cycle. My first can be seen on here. It started back in February. I'm gonna be running Test E and Dbol. I'm looking to add somethibg else. Just looking for suggestions. I was thinking maybe Var? Would like to lean up. Thanks in advance. I will make a chart in the cycle section once I confirm what I'm going to run. 




diet will be a make it or break it factor in leaning up. Sky's the limit as far as the gear that you can use to achieve this purpose. eq, npp, masteron, obviously NOT ALL together, but you'll have to design a cycle with 1 or more of these compounds with T base.

Example: T for 16 weeks, Tbol kick off for 5-6 weeks, then masteron and T for the rest of the cycle. Maybe even throw in some Var towards the end of the cycle to dry out. Not talking doses or exact timelines, just sharing thoughts on the high level.




Honestly bro if it were me trying to lean out, I would save the dbol for another cycle.... it's not going anywhere. You could grab some tbol & finish with var. Personally, I'd just grab gran the Var & maybe some mast. It's hard sometimes when we have extra gear, but we have to remember our long term goal!



New member

I want to add size/bulk. I just figured at the end of cycle I could throw in some Var and lean up. Maybe I'll just skip the Var and do that in the summer haha. 




If you're wanting to bulk up, definitely go with the dbol bro.... I love var & try to incorporate it in every cycle. You can't go wrong with it because it has so many great attributes. In that case, I'd start dbol 2 weeks into cycle to give the test more time & finishing with var is king!!




Anytime brother!! Before you start your cycle you should post it under cycles, it sure helps others who are looking for a good cycle & lets them know the possible gains they can achieve!




Var will help you out, its mild and sorta pricey. But def fits your goal.

dbol aromatizes to a high degree, hence a v wet compound. but depends really on how much you aromatize. If you're not sensitive to aromatizing, then dbol shouldnt bloat you in a major way. Guage your body bro.




What's up someguy? Haven't seen you in a bit brother. Dbol is one of my favorite orals also.



New member

Yeah I was out of the loop for a bit. I know where to go for advice though Haha. Getting ready for next cycle so here I am. 




I agree with jar ,

If your trying to lean dbol is not the answer.  , but i like keeping it simple.  

2 nd cycle add one compound. And if it were me , id run test e or c.  (Personally i only run prop or sustan even on my cruise )   for minium i like 14 weeks. On long esters but 12 is a minium to me ..i would say add var towards the end of cycle , and youll be amazed.  

Once agion only my thoughts ...




Dolf said:
</p><p>What's up someguy? Haven't seen you in a bit brother. Dbol is one of my favorite orals also.</p><p>
. </p><p> </p><p>X2 Dolf. I love dbol my second favorite oral. I use it to start most of my bulk cycles as a kicker. Just gotta keep liver clean as with most orals...</p>


Well-known member

Were you logged in?

UPDATE - I just had the same thing happen. Try using the link that is at the bottom of each page instead of the direct link on the top after you click "Cycles"




Well-known member

When I did it and landed on the access denied page it showed that the system logged me out. I clicked sign in and signed in and tried it again and it worked. Give it a try the way I did it.

You may have to eventually clear your cookies and cache but there is certainly a site problem. +2 on the catch and report.

I will report this issue directly to admin.

