Getting Blood Work Done


New member

I just ordered some blood tests this morning , its been a while and Ive been cruising on test and deca , not to mention Im just overdue. I ordered a Male anti aging panel for $352.99 a progesterone for 52.99 and a prolactin for 48.99 . That should give me a very thorough work up.  Never the less I hear questions about getting blood work so I thought I should share the process.

   In an ideal situation you would get blood work 3 times, pre cycle, mid cycle and a few weeks after P.C.T. but theres probably no need to go as thorough in the test you order as I did. The test Id recommend for most guys is the "Hormone panel with free and total testosterone & SHBG" , the cost on that one as of today is $152.99. If you simply want to see your testosterone numbers to adjust your dose or tell if your gear KICKS ASS BRO ;)  you can order  "Testosterone free (direct), serum with total testosterone" for $92.49 . This will also be the one that will give you a reading over 1500ng/ml should you be there . B.T.W. those descriptions and prices came from privatemdlabs.This is the test for numbers over 1500

  There are two companies I have ordered bloodwork through , they are           

  I have found directlabs easier to use and navigate, but priced a few dollars higher . Privatemdlabs is the only one I know of that sells the correct test to get you readings over 1500 ng/ml . Now just because you use privatemd you still have to order the correct test or you still will get a testosterone number capped at >1500 . This is specific to the type of test you buy, not the lab which analyzes the blood or sells the test.

   Most people wont have an issue, but some of us live in states that do not allow the patient to buy his own tests . Not a problem and easy to get around. I my self live in one of those states and I'll tell you how I did/do it . I selected my tests and purchased them , when I went to pay with my C.C. I filled all the info correctly except the state of my address . The charges went through just fine, most CC authorization use street addy, zip code and CVV # to verify . If that does not work they allow you to buy gift cards with credit so you could do that too.

   Then under patient info I use my name and email address , however I enter a bogus physical address using a state which is legal to purchase blood tests in. This does not matter because they will not be mailing you anything anyway so just find and addy in the nearest state that's legal.

   Once you have created an account and purchased your bloodwork you will get an email confirming the purchase and you will print out the requisition papers attached to the email. Then make an appointment at the nearest collection center using .

  And the day of your blood test take your printed requisition papers with you. They have never once asked me for any id or address verification and even if they did they are only the collection center you have already bought the bloodwork so no need to worry. No one is going to arrest you LOL.

  Hope this helps ,and please get blood work done now and again or especially if you are having any troubles, its the best way to treat any issues or know you are running your cycle correctly. Once you have entered your email you will also get occasional offers with coupon codes to save a little bit on the cost. Still blood work is cheap insurance so don't skimp.



New member

Id almost like a roll call as to how many guys have actually gotten blood work done in the last 6 months or even a year. Its bad that its so easy to do and so many guys wont do it. Hopefully this thread will encourage it.





If you're just cruising you could probably go to your regular doctor and tell them you have no sex drive and ask to have your levels checked. I actually did have a problem of no sex drive and they offered to have the test ran. Which came back low.  So just throwing that out there. I know there's several online services such as what standing recommended that work well. For cruising though I'd try the doctor cause that test didn't cost me a dime other than the doctors Co pay.



New member

See I dont get it, guys will spend all kinds of money on a cycle, they will literally waste hours and hours "masturbating" on line or "didling" with their damn phones and they wont get a blood test.  Even worse is the guys that complain about things going wrong in their bodies yet dont get some cheap testing done. 



New member

I've had mine checked twice this year, but only for free test and serum. I've just been using test for the last 6 months. Id like to see my estrogen levels for my own curiosity! Ive donated blood also a few times this year!



New member

Got some great insight from my blood work .   My C-Reactive Protien is more than double the acceptable range.  That means Ive either got heart disease, liver failure or severe sleep apnea !!!!  BINGO !!!!!!   Some of you may remember me mentioning needing or wanting to buy a CPAP machine in another thread.

  Estrogen is also high at 423 which explains some other things going on too.


Obstructive sleep apnea[edit]

C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of systemic inflammation, is also increased in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). CRP and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels were significantly higher in patients with OSA compared to obese control subjects.[30] Patients with OSA have higher plasma CRP concentrations that increased corresponding to the severity of their apnea-hypopnea index score. Treatment of OSA with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) significantly alleviated the effect of OSA on CRP and IL-6 levels.[30]




At least you know now...they do sleep studies to test you for sleep apnea, and outfit you with a cpap.



New member

Hey standing just a quick question I've never got blood work before and I ran 2 cycles earlier last year, I can't just go to my doctor and tell him I'm on stuff and want a blood test I need those forms? Sorry if it's a stupid question lol




Not a stupid question my brotha There is a site that you can pay and have private blood work done now for general health go through your doctor and use your insurance but if you want to test your total T and estro on cycle or anything for that matter there you go =) EDIT: Just looked up and saw the OP now I too feel stupid



New member

Hey guys, bumping an old thread here because I see there are still people who don't get blood work done.

  I just saw a member post results and by those he can adjust his dose accordingly. He can both rule out and see  where his routine needs to be tweaked.

  The cost of blood tests is most often returned many times over.



New member

Hey MG members. Does anyone know of online bloodwork companies that service the areas that privatelabs and direct don't ? Direct just followed privatelabs rule and no longer services my state. Its a fucking joke ! I was going to go to a neighboring state but they check your lic to see where you live.



New member

Who told you they check your licence ?  And who checks it ?  The place collecting the specimin dont check if its a pre pay, only if its insurance.




Putting another option out there,  

LABSMD.COM is very similar to privatemdlabs, they are actually owned by the same parent company.  Labsmd uses quest diagnostics for lab work, while privatemd uses labcorp. 

All of the testosterone tests by labsmd will give an accurate number above 1500.

Some things to look for with any test, make sure that the testosterone is measured by LC/MS to get a number above 1500

If you are taking a 19-nor you can expect flawed results from many of the privatemd tests, while labsmd test method is generally accurate.

I've done several tests and have never been asked for an ID




New member

Im fairly certain it has always said that, and as I said if you go there and there is any insurance work they will ask. Try it and when you go if they ask for ID tell them its pre paid and Im quite sure you wont have a problem.

 going to send you a p.m. or friend request
