Going Light Weight, BABY!!! all opinions are welcome


New member

is going lightweight going to hinder my gains? 

I am at that age where going heavy just isn't for me anymore, joints are hurting, tendons are becoming sore, I feel worn out. Please give me your input on my questions. Thumbs up guys and gals




If you stay like 70% range of your max you should be ok. Most serious lifters have aches and pains. It comes with the territory. How old are you?

If your 26 like your profile says than you are definitely NOT too old. lol



New member

Depends on what type of a build you are after. For me heavy weight is a bad thing, once I go over 275 with my bench I feel and old injury ,my muscle around my shoulder blade starting to tear again.  Basically if I cant do 8 reps of it I don't care. Im not impressed with the body that comes with that style of lifting and would be extremely unhappy if I went that way.

   I think being on a cycle having your strength up requires extra discipline so you don't end up hurting your self , otherwise if you just keep stacking on the weight your going to end up with something torn.

  But I am 44 , 26 is a whole other story




Standing I can show you some great physiques built by putting heavy weight on bar. Not all powerlifters are 350lbs and fat. At 26 there is absolutely no reason outside of serious physcial injury you cant go heavy. Unless you wanna be all show and no go....but to each their own.




Me my self I like weight I can do 8 with but I like my strenght sso after talking with nov is I do my heavy ,, you only need a few sets at 80% then I drop down and do my routine agion with working sets   now this way I keep my body where im happy and keep strenght ,, now if I didnt drop down and just trained power id be alot stronger , but would I have the body I like ??? That I dont know , nov what you think




yeah, seig you can very easily still train for strength and throw in the bodybuilding stuff as well. But OP is only 26 and saying hes too old to go heavy anymore lol




Unless there's some kind of medical issue we don't know about !!! I'm 50 and injured and hitting good weight ,shit I'm 50 and don't tell me I'm old because you'll have a argument on your hands ,,:)) I say ya I'm old now and then but for real I'm 30 at heart



New member


  For example, that guy in the bench press video, his body sucks I mean seriously I don't care if the guy can bench 1000 lbs Id never want to look like that. Plus my sex life would go way down hill .




Standingup said:
<p> </p>
<p>  For example, that guy in the bench press video, his body sucks I mean seriously I don't care if the guy can bench 1000 lbs Id never want to look like that. Plus my sex life would go way down hill .</p>
<p>You cant see either of their physiques in the video. There are weight classes in powerlifting. 198, 220, 242........look at dan green, matt kroczaleski (hes a former world class pler turned bodybuilder), Mark Bell, Stan efferding, all these guys are insanely strong and have world class physiques. Secondly I never in my life lifted weights to get girls.</p>
<p>Point is regardless of weather your a bodybuilder, powerlifter, powerbuilder, just wanna look good and be strong, whatever, you CAN and SHOULD lift heavy and you CAN be strong AND have a nice physique.</p>



Whatever makes you happy is best. I do a lot of power lifting moves for strength and do higher rep assistance work for the beach. Although the heavy lifts do cause me joint pain, but I suck it up buttercup.
