Good bad or ugly?!



Here's what I'm thinking on cycle  12 to 16 weeks

test 500mg per week  250mg x twice week

eq 600 mg per week 300mg x twice week

dbol  60mg week 1-4 30mg x twice day

pct will be back to my normal trt dose per week

I have adex for ai.  what  you guys think on adex dose?  I have read not till u notice sides .25 ed .50 eod  my goals are to gain muscle... Lol  but not at the cost of a big ole watermelon head!!!  So I would rather be safe than sry with ai.  I'm currently 215  bf round 16%  checked last night know thata kinda on the line to bulk. Been at this cuttin stuff for a while with great results as we have discussed but i wanna go beastman for a few im ok with gaining some weight  don't really wanna go past 240lbs or so I have used test/deca/dbol cycles in past with good results. 




You need 2 run eq for 16-20 weeks to really see it shine.Also keep in mind you RBC will get high on EQ so you may need to give blood periodically.Post this up i the cycle section Brother so everyone can fine tune your ass LOL LOOKS GOOD =)




I like it looks good , now for me tho , and this is for me ,1st off I like aro, but used adex for years , imho , I would run .25 e3d and adjust from there , because I feel its going to be needed why wait ,,.25 adjust accordingly , most likly I would guess , your gonna end up @ like .50 eod , this is A guess but.lets see ,, butm over all looks good   sieg




Ever run EQ before bro ? Make sure your diet is in check because you will be tempted to rip off your spotters arm and start chowing down on it. Even though you have bulk in mind, be aware that your appetite will go through the roof and you want your gains to be in the form of mass and not BF.

I also agree with the bro's below that you need 20 weeks min with EQ. Tbol also runs well with this cycle with far less bloat but dbol the first month will get you there just as the EQ starts to kick in. Remember, EQ is a creeper and takes several weeks to yield results, that's why many say to run a minimum of 20 weeks. You first few weeks your are slowly raping these levels up.




Milkin chiming in.... how do you feel about frontloading EQ Milkin?




20 weeks  maybe possible I get blood work done every six months was given myself bout 2 months padding to be sure things r normal. How long do you think I need before blood work?  What about front loading?  used eq before with my trt 16 weeks and I felt like I was about to blow up bout time I stopped my diet was good then gained bout 15 lbs in four months appetite was aggressive but I get a cheat day once a week so it kept things in check 




thanks for adex  input.  Great info everyone!!  in the end I can't make any promises bout eating me some spotter arm though smothered and covered in t shirt..... Haha




Is to help reach saturatiion point faster so Instead of 600 a week for the first 2 weeks you would do 1200,You should get pre and mid cycle(6-8 weeks) bloods and keep an eye on your RBC




Myself , I done alot of research on frontloading beleive I even started ampost but , I dont like it , at all why and this is only my opion for me ,1st off were introducing a new compound , I want my body to see how it reacts , and imo only .,, I beleive everytime we rin someone elses gear , they all vary , so to frontload for me is , to much to fast body to adjust , I want the compound im running , to slowly and safly build up in my blood , while I monitor whats happening , also to me its a quick shot rollercoaster rixe which I beleive you or me will not benefit any more or less from a waste of money and gear , if it takes 6to 7 weeks for eq to hit peak plasma levels , weather you front load or not , makes no differnce wastem of good gear imo., also I have nothing personal exp , anx my on opion on this so , you be your own judge. Sieg




This is very similar to my next cycle. Test, eq, and tbol. As far as diet I like to have a plan set up for what I'm gonna eat and keep plenty of those good foods in your kitchen available. I also like to keep plenty of peanut butter and nuts around for when you get the munchies. A good body fat cutting keto diet before your cycle would be something to think about too. 




Yup dlof, that's a good cycle for sure bro I am a few weeks away from running it myself. I hate long drawn out cycles and limit then to one every 18 months but this one is by far one of my fav's. May sneak some proviorn in on this one
