Gov't always wants their piece of the pie....



Yeah, it proves how good the systems potential is when you see how hard banks are fighting to block it. Any way they can. Thanks for the link.


Alpha Omega


Did you know Federal Taxes are VOLUNTARY . There is a video on youtube of a retired IRS person talking about it. Good information. No where in the constitution does it say we have to pay ANY taxes as well. This one of the reasons we came to America. I just cant see how they think we owe them taxes on OUR hard earned money, for doing what? Getting politicians who rob us blind, start needless wars etc etc.



Well-known member

Voluntary by rule of law.... mandatory by law enforcement. My family was part of the patriot movement in the 80's. We did not pay federal taxes for over seven years. Always staying one step ahead of the IRS. This works great until you are tired of running, tired of using fake names, tired of using mail forwarding, tired of not living a half way normal life, tired of your children not able to be registered in public school. Not one case in US history has an individual presented a successful case in federal court using the rule of law concerning federal taxes.

You will pay and the penalties are HUGE.






I enjoy tax debate but politics scare me for topics. This can get weird quick. I just wrote a six figure check to the irs so trust me I would love to not pay.

At the same time: I like good roads, schools, a STRONG and well equipped military, etc....  This comes at a cost. Granted there are a LOT of programs that come at  cost that I do not agree with and that I would like to get my money back from (Planned parenthood comes to mind) but that's not how it works. I don't get to choose on a buffet. You buy the blue plate special and hope you like more than you hate.

Now I am a libertarian by heart and I prefer a lean government with it having VERY LITTLE impact and for it to be smaller and smaller and smaller. Still, I got to vote. Sometimes my guys win and sometimes they lose. Once the leader is choosen....I get another shot every four year and maybe someday we will fix more of it.

So yes taxes suck but they are necessary and you/we do use the service. Is it fair to get electricity and not pay for it?

And yes, trust a man who has survived MANY - deep deep - audits.  The IRS wins, so smile and pay. If you can, if not frown and pay ;-)

I HOPE this helps and I truly hope and pray it doesn't make anyone angry.  I heard this basic speech from a boss of mine when I was in my 20's and it changed my paradigm in a good way.



Well-known member

Let's get weird REAL quick... Libertarian at the federal level, Republican at the state level, Democrat at the local level and Socialist with friends and family. ;)

Way to difficult to sum up a persons full political beliefs in one word especially mine.






HA - I love it. Honestly that is an extremely wise and well thought out response. And I would agree on most levels (maybe not Democrat at local, hahaha). Love the socialist with friends and family part. That is one solid old school Christian church response!

Just finished an interview with a wise man for an exec position and we were discussing the cost to our industry because of Dodd/Frank and I said to him, the problem is we ask congress to do surgery to heal us but the only tool we give them is a sword when what they need is a scalpel. Largely the old States Rights question...who best knows how to manage the problem? A: Those closest to it and who are effected by it, thus let local government do most of the work.

Enough...I will go on way to long and probably just irritate someone. Hate to have some poor guy whose pumping Tren read this and disagree, I do not need to upset anyone at that level just because I said something the wrong way. Not the forum for that I recon.

Still, fun discussion.



Well-known member

If somone gets upset by what is said by someone else while on tren then they should reconsider their use of tren. When any steroid begins negatively effecting my actions they are doing more harm than good. Every steroid I have ever taken promotes some degree of mental change or aggression. My key is to recognize this fact and be more aware before I act. Slow to speak. ;)






Let er rip bobbyO. The guy on tren or whatever will get over it, and if not, oh well. Besides, this isn’t that “other site”. 
