Greetings and intro


New member

Hey everyone! Apologies in advance for the long post...

First, I want to say that I’m very happy to have found this forum. I was an avid reader of DatBTrue’s forum a few years back, if anyone is familiar with it, and this is the first place I’ve found since then where I feel there's helpful, interesting, science-based discussion going on. Cheers to all of you guys.

Second, for context: 35 years old, 5’11”, 175 lbs, ~13% BF, pretty experienced in the gym and with nutrition. Definitely have room to grow, though I’ve made it a long way from being a 145 lb competitive cyclist years ago. Usually in the gym 3-4 times a week and diet is usually pretty good. Like I say, there’s absolutely room for improvement but I generally have the fundamental knowledge down.

So, my purpose for posting: Over the past 4-5 years I’ve noticed many of the symptoms of low T. It hasn’t been pronounced, but more of a gradual decline to where I think back to from how I felt day-to-day five years ago, to how I feel now, and the difference is drastic. Most notably (and very alarmingly as a single guy) my libido is almost non-existent these days, muscle mass is hard to hold on to, recovery takes forever, I can’t seem to get rid of the belly fat no matter how much I diet, more irritable over little things, and also alarmingly is my general lack of motivation/finding it very tough to focus like I used to, especially at work. Anyway, after hearing all the symptoms of low T over and over in radio ads and the like, I started to realize that I was having many of the same. Fast forward to this month where I finally decided to go get my blood checked to see if my suspicions were correct. And, well, maybe? My total T level came back at 650. Decidedly middle range. Unfortunately I have no idea what my levels were 5 years ago, but at least I have a baseline for today.

Now, I know no doctor will be prescribing TRT to someone sitting at 650, but I’ve been thinking of running a cycle anyway to see if it does indeed improve my quality of life. If it could get my libido and general motivation/focus back, it seems like a no brainer to me. So I wanted to see what the experts on here thought about the idea. Thinking of 12 weeks, 200 mg/week, with HCG to simulate as close to possible what a consistent protocol would be like. Blood check after 6 weeks to monitor my levels, and Arimidex on hand just in case. Then at the end of 12 weeks, re-evaluate and go from there.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks for the great community guys.




Welcome to MG brother +3 for the intro!

200mg per week is not a cycle that's a trt dose. A cycle should be at least 500mg test per week. 

You have part of a plan in place with the test, ai, and hcg which with a simple test cycle hcg is a waste imo but my question is...what is your plan post cycle? Are you gonna pct or are you gonna self administer trt? 

The next thing to consider is if and when you cycle you will most likely not be producing 650 test naturally ever again, and after a few cycles you will very likely be on trt there after. Also if you decide to self administer trt that as well will be a life long commitment. 



New member

Thanks for the warm welcome, guys!

Dolf - as to your questions, let me clarify...

My idea was to mimic what being on TRT would be like, and see how it affected me. The 12 week duration was because that’s about how far one vial would take me at 200 mg/week, and I’ve read that the effects really start to kick in around 6 weeks for most people, so 12 total seems reasonable. The HCG is there to more closely mimic a TRT protocol.

The plan post cycle? I guess that depends on how well it goes. I’m assuming running the standard 4 week PCT of 100/100/50/50 Clomid and 40/40/20/20 Nova would likely not get my natural levels back up to 650, even with the 200 mg/week dose? I’m not too worried about the lifetime commitment aspect, especially if it affects me the way it’s supposed to – I figure it would be wise/needed for me to go on eventually, whether it’s now or a handful of years from now. If it can solve the problems I’ve been having, well sign me up. If not, then I suppose run the PCT and go back to the drawing board.

Or should I run the PCT regardless, get blood work done again and see where I've normalized at, so I have a full spectrum of data?




I think it was Dolf a few weeks ago who wrote a thread about 'what my first cycles would have looked like if I could start all over again with what I know now'....see if you can find it. Wish I knew where it was to send you the link but regardless of who wrote it I found it to be very insightful!

As for what you want to try, honestly it's exactly how I got started. I get it 100%! 

I don't necessarily recommend it but I understand. Do a little more research about TRT and make sure you want to self medicate TRT before you begin but I strongly recommend you seek to try that under a doctors care (I think they are called Endocrinologist but I could be wrong!).

TRT probably doesn't need HCG and should in no way need Arimidex. 

The low TRT dose you are looking at is very different from a true Cycle (trust me I am still very new at this so some others will better advise you on a good first cycle).   A full cycle is about pushing muscle growth and everything else that goes with it but as Tittanings stressed to me when I got started - it's a tidal wave. Not safe to ride long term.  

If you are moving forward then at the very least if you can find a doctor to monitor you please do so. Get blood work done pre and mid and post and track yourself carefully.  To the best of my knowledge PCT isn't necessary to come off a TRT dose but I could be very wrong about that fact.

Good luck and I hope to hear back from you on how it all goes!




Yes, it was Dolf...  I will add/correct some info.  Most would not need an Ai on a TRT dose but some would. It depends on how sensitive you are to estro. Someone like me can run 750mgs of test and 400mgs of deca along with dbol and need no AI. On the other hand that would put Dolf in a world of hurtin.  

As far as PCT after a TRT dose. Yes, you would need to pct. Anytime you shut down your natural testosterone production by injecting synthetic testosterone and stop that regimen you would need to do a basic PCT with Nolvadex and Clomid.  I'm curious if Dolf uses an AI while he is on cruise because he is E2 sensitive. If you are new to this than The ONLY way is by bloodwork. 

Bobby, I am glad to see you active. This is how you learn and become positive of your answers.. Your advice is on point and yes Its an Endocrinologist...



New member

Yes right on Strong have PCT on hand to be safe.   I've learned that gear can be overdosed and an individual might be getting more than they planned for so have contingency plan in place contingency



New member

Good to have you here!  I would welcome your advice on peptides and what you've learned from Dat Btrue people have'nt had a lot of luck with peptides on here, myself included.  You're T level is very good I certainly wouldn't think it would be effecting you're libido.  Mines been under 500 and I'm a horny bastard lol  We've got a new TRT section be sure to check that out.   I'm pretty new to a.a.s as well and Ive been taking 75mg of Test C twice a week.   In the begging my libido was crazy strong then I think my natural T lowered so at this point my libido is just slightly more than it was. 
