Half life of steroid compound



That's it lol...+1

Scanned it over quickly, but gonna give it a thorough read tomorrow while I'm on the clock. Gettin paid to learn about aas is great : )




Even a blind squirrel will find a nut every once in a while. I'm going to keep hunting that whole book tho...it will answer pretty most questions about anabolic compounds from dosage to half life to Outlaws can have a kid while on question and anything in between




Yea those are the active half lives of the various esters. They will be longer than the terminal half life for the same ester. In real world practice, I tend to lean more towards an average between active and terminal just to account for different absorption rates of various injection sites, dissipation rates of carriers, and all the other factors going into it. All that has a lot to do with perceived "half life" even though its not included very often




Dolf said:
</p><p>That's why logs and experience are so valuable. Know your body!</p><p>
</p><p> </p><p>Dolf that is so right. If I could go back and tell a younger me one thing about gear it would be keep a damn log and write it all down...especially the finer points of how you felt while on whatever compounds</p><p> </p>



Me too...the more information you have the better off you are. Same goes for training and builds a good habit of keeping up with it all. Especially these guys on more advanced compounds/cycles, they should write it all down just in case sides start popping up. Be surprised how much quicker it is caught when you have to put pen to paper




Especially the older you get. I can't remember what I did yesterday much less last week, month, or year! 




Agreed, This is pretty much just a guideline for reference, Its in no way an exact science for the reasons you stated... Everyone is different, there is no question about that... There are probably 20 other variables  to either aid or hinder absorption retention and dissapation etc...




New member

Looks like I'm not the only one who bought Scott Flansburg's Mega Math.  You explained it very well thank you,  I think my IQ went up half a point. 




Yea it is so many variables that it is just hard to say on an individual basis then on top of it all a day plus or minus isn't going to change body levels by much especially with the longer esters



New member

Great post..... now if you want to get in to drug test CLEARANCE TIMES, that is an entirely different animal.

as for cycles, personally I never do not front load. Test No Ester (oil based or test suspension water base) are the way to go. Or Test Prop n phenylprop. I'll normally be pinning Tren Ace and TNE or TP daily front loading as I'm introducing Test Enan or Sus and I run test pretty high weekly and in addition to certain ratios of more anabolic compounds to help increase protein uptake and and expedite recovery.

to each their own but it has always worked well for me.


