hcg and pct


New member

have plenty of sources here who carry quality HCG and PCT products, but this is not a question for open forum as the rules state. I would encourage you to read the reviews for each source and then also spend time in the "ask & discuss" section of each sources pages. Next if you are active and make friends with other brothers within the forum you are then able to discuss these questions within the private messages option. If you do these things you will have no trouble finding the answers that you are seeking.




Hey everyday I have warned you once already about source and lab talk in open forum https://musclegurus.to/forum/general/introduce-yourself/hey-whats-up-0 it is not within the site rules. Use pm or source ask and discuss for these type questions for now on. This is my second warning to you, and dexter edited a post from you this morning https://musclegurus.to/forum/members-stuff/suggestions-and-ideas/95784-out-of-stock this makes for 3 now. Once again here's a link to the rules. Read them and apply them!
