Health insurance


New member
Hello everyone.

So it's open enrollment time again at work which always means higher premiums and higher max out-of-pocket every year. I have a family plan that covers my wife and son as well (will be adding another kiddo in May provided everything goes well) and it costs me $301.xx bi-weekly.

Covers 90% of major medical with a max out-of-pocket of $2250 per person. So I am looking at $7825 in premiums next year plus I expect to hit the max on my wife and the new baby so another $4500 out of pocket.

That's over $12k in medical expenses (assuming nothing happens with myself or my son) next year which seems high to me but is it???

I am lucky to have a good job and make decent money but that's still a big ass hit and I don't see how some people can afford that.


New member
Hello everyone.

So it's open enrollment time again at work which always means higher premiums and higher max out-of-pocket every year. I have a family plan that covers my wife and son as well (will be adding another kiddo in May provided everything goes well) and it costs me $301.xx bi-weekly.

Covers 90% of major medical with a max out-of-pocket of $2250 per person. So I am looking at $7825 in premiums next year plus I expect to hit the max on my wife and the new baby so another $4500 out of pocket.

That's over $12k in medical expenses of health insurance Florida(assuming nothing happens with myself or my son) next year which seems high to me but is it???

I am lucky to have a good job and make decent money but that's still a big ass hit and I don't see how some people can afford that.
thanks in advance for any help
It seems like a pretty normal health care plan to me. +/- $1000 annually. I have 3 kids and cannot imagine trying to do it with no insurance. It's not just the birth, you've got 18 years of well child checks, ear infections, etc. Medical costs can get extreme.

Not sure if you're employer offers it but I take advantage of Health Care Spending Accounts (HCSA). What that does is take $xx out of each check (pre-tax!!) and puts it into an account that you can only use on health care costs that are not covered by insurance. This would be any co-pays or health related things not covered by insurance. For instance legit TRT costs would be included if not covered (which many times are not). The kicker is it being pre-tax so you are not paying taxes on the money you set aside. If you know you're going to have $2500 it might be worthwhile for you to do it. The downside is it's "use it or lose it" within the year.


Well-known member
The embarrassment of the United States "health care" system... An absolute joke.
Not to be a dick... But you can thank the 76% of fat fuckin fatties for this.
A nation of overweight whales is killing our work force and health care.
Someone like myself... The picture of health has to pay the same amount as a 55yo fat fuck who drinks and smokes because we have the same job? He's on 12 different meds... I'm on none... But we have the same plan because of our job?
And because almost everyone in the company is on several meds the business goes for the plan that focused on lower prescription cost .. but higher monthly payments because everyone is on meds... And I'm not... Cool. I've been to a doctor once in... 6 years (besides blood work) but I have to spend outrageous amounts because of my fat fuckin coworkers... Cool...

I'm sorry brother... But this is the country we live in. An absolute embarrassment... But thankfully we have a awesome strong leader like Joe to lead us through these tough times... 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬