Hello All!

Hi Everyone! I thought I would introduce and make myself known to the group.

I'm kind of doing this backwards considering I have already had interactions on other areas of MG but I figure that if I want to get involved with the community I had better get this out of the way.

First off, I'm 40 years old and just recently got back into the gear scene. Did some BB shows in my 20's and ever dabbled a bit in strongman in my late 20's. Started a family and business and got away from lifting for a while. Family comes first for me and business is second but once everything settled into a pattern I got bit by the training bug again and have been hitting it hard in the gym for the past 5 years or so. My iron addition came on full force over the past year and I set a goal to do a NPC Masters show within the next 2 years so last spring I figured it was time to get back into the game for real (if you catch my drift) and did my first cycle in about 10 years. Let me tell you, the results were like it was my first time and I am ready to do another. 

All-in-all, I'm hoping to get involved in some discussions, make some online friends, share some of my past experiences and learn some new things.






New member

Welcome. I am also new, but have scouted this forum for a while before actually making my account. There is tons of knowledge from what I've looked at and great advice from some elder members. 
