Hello and My Story


New member

So far I have found this a great resource and have read some great stories so I thouht I would share mine.

I am a 39 year old male.  I am 5 10' and go between 175 and 185.  I first came upon steroid use through a long bout with depression.  I suffered from the most severest of depression.  I was in mental wards, suicidal, diagnosed with everything under the sun - Bi-polar, general anxiety, general depression...etc...But non of the medications worked.  I decided it was going to be up to me to find out what was REALLY wrong and in 2010 I started doing research.  I came across a disorder called Hypogonadism (The word is so knew it comes up as not spelled correctly).  Well what most of the public knows this as is Low-T.  Why over a 3 year period no doctor told me to get my testosterone checked I have no idea.  Well I got it check at it was at 96,  Which is about was a 100 year old man has.  It runs in families, and it runs it mine.  I guess the doctors thought I was to young to have Low-T, which is a total myth.  It can start as early as mid twenties. I was placed on 400 mg of Test Cyp for 12 weeks.  Well within 10 days, my depression, anxiety, pain, everything was gone.  To good to be true.  NOPE.  That was the culprit. 

So for you out there suffering and wondering why none of your depression meds work, get checked.  Its a long process and not one test.  I was 34, weighed 198, and had a 38 inch waist and could not do a push up.  After the cycle I was 175 and had a 32 inch waist and benched around 200. I have decided to do another cycle because I got the ok from my doctor.  This time I am using non standard Low-T steroids.  Most Low-T steroids are just long acting testosterone.  So far I have used Fuerza's NPP and Prop.  The feeling and results are amazing. I am up to 187. BTW, my standard maintenance level for my low t is 50 mg of test cyp every 4 days.  Some use the cream which I found not nearly as useful.  I like to share my story not because of the gains in muscle, but because of how I went from a suicidal maniac with a million diagnosis and 5 psych meds, to no psych meds, back working, and just using plan old test cyp. P.S.  The picture was actually when I was in top form.  At the moment I have already put on more muscle, but not as cut yet.




Welcome cmumiami !! Please take time to read the rules and browse the forums. Your experiences you described in your intro would make a great addition to our hrt/trt forum, please consider contributing there as well. We are glad you are here so make yourself at home.





Welome cmumiami! be sure you’ve found the right place. (please No source talk in open forum!, we've got a place for that!)

glad to have you among us. Feel free to ask and share your knowlege with other members.

you can add your pics, cycle and post some reviews on products you have used.

Nice intro.




Welome cmumiami,

that's a great intro.

you can add some recent pictures of you, ans share with the community.

stay with us.



New member

Thanks!!!!!!!!  You hae no idea how much that means to me.  It was such hell and its nice when people acknowledge it.



New member

I have noticed many of you made comments regarding my past.   I just touhced on my past and what I went through.  Ironically, my father went through the same hell.  Again, Low-T (Hypogonadism) runs in the family.

My grandmother did not produce estrogen.  The female version.  If you have any questions, or feel you could be going through the same thing, hit me up.

I have epilepsy too.  So bad I had to have what's called the Vegas Nerve stimulator placed in my chest and brain.

It did not work and they had to turn it off after 6 months.  I found the cure, or should I say greatly decreased

my seizures through natural remedies.  After trying 17 medications over 5 years and a brain operation:)...I have

all but given up on the mainstream medical world.  Which is not like me at all.  Most of the time I would say that

herbs and things like yoga or meditation are B.S....funny, the totally changed my life for the better 1000X over

and I could without question not live without meditation.


Cheers, Bill



Sure this link, and many others, are located in the forums.



New member

excellent story,I can so relate,i had the same problems,depression ,despair and just all in all not feeling good.i kept seeing ads for low T.started doing research.at first it was really hard to talk about because i felt embarrased,I finnaly went to the doc and got tested,my T level was 27 I was in the lowest precentage possible,was told I had the test level of a 13 yr old girl(didnt make me feel any better.lol)i started 300 mg every 2 weeks for 12 weeks,within 5 weeks i was feeling good again in fack great,since then ive found a doc that is prescribing me test and doing all my blood work.im currantly on 200 mg a week my T level is around 1200 which is higher than doc likes,fact is im blasting and cruising,all in all i feel great maybe better than I ever have.im back in the gym lifting 4-5 days a week Im 46 years old and feel like im in my 30s sometimes even younger.I highly recomend any man that is battling depression ,weight issues or any of the symptoms of low T to get it checked out now.it was the single best decision next to never getting married that ive ever made.so once again great post,I hope it gets as many peoples attention that needs it
