Hello - I'm new and need advice


New member

Hello guys!

I am new  to steroids and I would like advice on a good starter gear package that will not make me bloat badly. I want to gain moderate muscle and also reduce joint pain.



Alpha Omega


Bigguysota said:
</p><p>Hello guys!</p><p>I am new  to steroids and I would like advice on a good starter gear package that will not make me bloat badly. I want to gain moderate muscle and also reduce joint pain.</p><p>Thanks!</p><p>
</p><p>Welcome to the board. Help us out and give some stats (age, height, weight etc). If this is your first time using anything I would first suggest using short esters to see how you respond to them. Some people respond to a compound well and others don't. If we knew the stats then we can give a better opinion.</p><p> </p>


Well-known member

If your going to use collagen for joint support I recommend focusing on one that contains Type 2 collagen protein. Types 1 & 3 will have little effect in actual joint support but you will have beautiful skin and hair. ;) 50% of all protein in cartilage and 85–90% of collagen of articular cartilage is Type 2.






I've heard that collagen hydrolysate works great for joint repair. Know a couple of cats who used it post surgery. Must be type 2...


Alpha Omega


I chose Deca any day for joint pain, coupled with glucosamine. Never lets me down, even on hgh (hgh can cause joint pain)




Welcome. This is a good start, I advise being more specific. What are your exact goals....why go to aas for joint pain....how is your diet and exercise program?

That said there is a great note from Dolf a year or so back that gives a great 'first few cycles' path that you may want to consider.

Best of luck to you and again glad to have you with us.



New member

Joint relief is more of an “incidental” positive side effect, and even then it’s pretty subjective as to its actual bebefit. I wouldnt personally count it as a reason to use gear. if you do end up deciding to do so after researching, deca or npp are really the only choices joint wise



New member

Your idea of using deca for joint pain will in essence, not end well. Look into a product called MoveFree Ultra by Schiff. It gets expensive with long term use, but it works and is much safer and more convenient than Deca. While Deca does indeed offer some joint-soothing properties, the downside to it is the fact that a couple of weeks after discontinuing Deca, your joints will feel like HELL. Your collagen production will be in the gutter and your joints will feel worse than before the cycle.  Deca just masks the joint pain, allowing you to lift heavier, but in actuality you are causing more damage to your joints by doing so. The product I recommended, MoveFree Ultra has hyaluronic acid, boron and type 2 collagen, these 3 ingredients work and THEY WORK VERY WELL. Give it a go before you try deca. Good luck


