Help getting shredded


New member


Currently 21 years old, lifting since Ive been 15.
currently on
– 20 mg of Ostarine per day
– 50 mcg of (T3)
– 40 mcg of Clenbuterol  ( two  20 mcg, pills with 4 hour intervals )

Ive got Nolvadex on hand just in case. Im trying to get as lean as possible this year, current macros are.
– 200 Protein
– 150 Carbs
– 160 Fats

Training 5 times a week consistently, 80% of all the movements are heavy compound movements.

My question is, does it look like I need to change anything that will get me better results? using the same stack? I believe Im around 14-16% bodyfat, with visible abs, goal is 6%.
I will appreciate the advice,
– Thank you




What's your stats? Height, weight, and bf% (if you have abs showing it's less than 14%)

Why did you choose those compounds to run?



Mister A


If you're getting leaner, then don't change anything.

If you're not getting leaner, adjust your macros slightly.




New member

Im currently 5 foot 10, 186 pounds, i believe im around 14-16% body fat right now because ive for a full 6 pack showing.

I chose ostarine, to maintain and hold as Much muscle as possible. 

Using clenbuterol as a fat burner, I know its also mildly anabolic  so it should also help me maintain the muscle. 

using t3 to speed up my metabolism and lean me get as lean as possible . 

will appreciate the help. 






Me personally I believe SARMS are a farce, but if you feel it's working that's great. 

As for clen the body quickly adapts to clen, and the fat burning affects are diminished. You either need to cycle it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off ramping up the dosage or run it continually for a short period of time ramping it up more slowly. Running 40mcg ed after about 4 days it becomes less effective. 



Well-known member

You will have a lot better success shredding if you adjust your diet and lifestyle. At your age adding hormones and manipulators may require a heavy price be repaid at some point in time. I defiantly would not recommend messing with your thyroid using T3 at your age. Consider an iodine supplement instead. 

Consistency and patience is what will be required no matter what you decide to do.

Good luck.



Mister A


X2 SF.

I'd get off all that bullshit. Ostarine is bullshit. Clen is harsh. Your thyroid is probably working just fine if you have defined abs. There's no reason to start fucking with your body like this. Especially when your diet can be improved.

You're currently taking in 2840 calories a day. If you're working out hard and doing cardio, your TDEE is probably about 3000. Your BMR is 1900-2000. You're obviously not trying to get into ketosis because your carbs are at 150g, so why do you have your fat intake at roughly 50% of your overall calories? Why isn't your protein higher in an effort to avoid muscle wasting? Have you tried carb cycling? What's your meal timing look like? What are you eating for breakfast and before bed?

Before we worry about what drugs to take, we have to find ways to improve our nutrition. Nutrition is going to determine our results. Drugs are just going to help expedite those results a little more efficiently.



Well-known member

All great questions that need to be answered. If the answers can't be provided then education and assistance is in order.

Reach out brother Flex and let us help you achieve your goals without all those risks. If you will put some leg work in you will find that the MG members are more than happy to assist you get where you would like to be.

We are a wolf pack that does not like giving hand outs or offering table scraps. We are willing to share equally in the best that we have to offer but it will cost you some research time. ;)




New member

I have found in my use of Clen, which has always been very successful that benadryl every few days resets your tolerance. I cant for the life of me remember how to explain it chemically. Theres research on it out there. 
