Help me put together something for Jan or February as I'm still pct'ing from my first cycle please


New member
Help me put together something for Jan or February as I'm still pct'ing from my first cycle please

<p>  I'd be grateful if one of you can help orchestrate the best way to use the last 4 10ml vials ... that I didn't use on my first try aas it was fun but it was sloppy and I don't wanna spend anymore on gear for right now , here you go bros  </p><p>2vials of The Blend which is - 100mgtrenace/30mgoftestprop/130mgmastprop</p><p>1 vial of test enth </p><p>1 vial of test prop </p><p>all in opend mind you </p><p>thank guys </p>



Gonna be honest and real with you brother. Take advantage of a promo, and get a couple more vials of test e. Get an ai and pct items. Then run a true first cycle of test e à 500mg per week. If you don't have the money just stash away $20 or so a paycheck and get it later. Have a little patience and you'll thank mebin the long run. Running what you have will be a huge waste of money and gear. 




Brother. imo you seem to have no experience which is fine. sounds like your first cycle was this blend and test e and prop. Anyway, stay away from the blend bro. You need to get 2 more bottles of test e and just do a complete 12 week cycle. Really bro. you're not ready for that blend..



New member

I have aromasin , money is not the issue I just want to utilize this blend that I have whether it's a super short cycle I understand what you are sayin dolf 



New member

i know your right but , I'm asking as if I was stranded on an island and I had these 4 vials and 7 meals a day and had to put muscle on or I'd be assaulted , I digress , just want some vet here to pm me in how I can best use these four 



New member

the issue, then why do you have to get some use out of those right now? Why not do what is more optimal and make solid, clean, safe gains that will stick with out screwing up your body or having out of control sides? I do not understand your logic. Your not stuck on an island with those 4 vials and 7 meals a day, and if you are then it looks like you have wi-fi and a computer so go ahead and order some more gear and get it air flighted to that little island.




Share with me, with us a little more about our first cycle. What did you run, dosages and how long, what was your goal? Were you bulking? Cutting? I see you want to run your next one in January or February. Are you looking to cut at that time? I ask because of components of the blend. What are your goals or the next cycle? Do you know what each compound in that blend is suited for?If you say your first cycle was sloppy, what's your PCT layout like? Sloppy too? Cycling AAS is not something you want to do in a sloppy fashion. If you only have one sloppy cycle under your belt, you are by no means ready for that blend. Cycles need to be PLANNED out along with your PCT. If you are stacking, you should make sure your compounds are synergistic. Don't just rush to run the gear because you have it. You need to have ENOUGH of it too. Give us more info and do a little research, Tren is not for the inexperienced...




well your not stranded on a island , and the vets told you excellent advice ,there was just a post the oher day ,saying ,your not always going to hear what you want to hear my friend lack the experience ,take advice and learn to cycle properly ,



New member

brother Its not that ur not ready bc u are but ur body is not the reason being is the rule of thumb is if and when you want to graduate to the next cycle you introduce a new compound so you can monitor that added compound just like the rest like just doing a test e cycle to monitor how your body responds then you write it in ur journal since you are acting doctor this IS A MUST. throwing 5 compounds in and not knowing how your body is going to respond is foolish part on preserving your body brother so I beg of your body do it proper this time so you can have the proper knowledge of how your body is going respond so if need be you can remedy the situation fast and professional.




I found and read it. The guys are giving you some good recommendations on that thread. They don't bash newbies here but give it to us straight--no chaser. Constructive criticism. Sieg is right about timing of the injections. Prop is pinned no longer out than every 3rd day. Enanthate is usually pinned twice weekly. The bros here took me under their wing and I'm female. They don't treat me like shit when I present my cycle plans. They help smooth my cycle over so it isn't rough around the edges! Based on sides, they help me adjust the dosages. Truly caring and helpful people here! I'm glad you found us!




If I was stranded on a desert island..... I'd mix all those vials together in a coconut shell, make a nice little wick from some bamboo and have a sweet little oil lamp. A survival situation is no time to be doing steroids.


Mister A


Is there a Planet Fitness opening up on this deserted island? Can you fish? Hunt boar? Pool fresh water? Avoid poisonous berries and bugs? These are the questions you should be asking.



New member

sheet my son, I'd be roping me some dolphins and riding those bastards to the nearest Gear laden island with hot native girls and big iron :))




Look my brother you come in here and ask a question, but don't get the answer you want. The reason is because everyone here cares, and they'll tell you the truth rather than bullshit you. Our goal is to help everyone run safe, proper, and productive cycles. Now the ball is in your court brotha. The question is...are you gonna take that ball and go home, or are you gonna utilize great advice from great members who take the time to give a shit? Do a little research, and ask quedtions. You can start here



New member

alright your right I'm gonna buy 10 10ml vials of test cyp 200mg/ml I hope you and the guru team can help me put something together , the source i use has a promo on bulk cyp right now 
