Help me put together something for Jan or February as I'm still pct'ing from my first cycle please



+1 yardguy! You won't regret doing this the right way in the future. 10 vials should fix you up on cycles for a while.

Do you have your pct and ai in hand?



New member

For the AI Yeah i have a lil bit of liquid aromasin and about 10 caps of 12.5 mg aromasin as well, pct nope but I'm willing and open thanks brotha




giving you +1 yard guy ,good decision, and wise choice see we only have your bed interest at heart ... We will tell you what you need to hear ,not always what wanted :). But I feel we have another great member on board , good to have you yard guy




You can do all that at dessert island planet fitness. You just can't lift heavy or grunt. Or be in shape. Or try to get in shape. Or look at the weights. 


yard my friend, great to see you taking dolfs advice, this guy has given me comprehensive and incredibly logical and accurate info every time I have a question, as well as all the brothers here, head what they suggest and you my a well set man, I was gonna comment but they already seem to have you dialed :) also welcome to Mg hope here a lot, you came to a great community, plus your already getting.karma for using your noodle and trusting the individuals here so that's a plus.. ;) you can never go wrong with a text cycle (e or cype ) along.with an ai pct and maybe an.oral just to get some cycle knowledge and experiance. 




Get a little bit more aro to be safe. Pct should consist of nolva and clomid. You'll start it about 14 days after your last pin. Pct should be 4 weeks at 100mg clomid for two weeks and 50mg clomid for 2 weeks. ( clomid 100/100/50/50 ) Nolva will be ran at 40mg for two weeks and 20mg for two weeks. ( nolva 40/40/20/20 ) A good pct will help you keep gains.





Damn Yardguy u got a lot of attention on this thread.  You got all this advice for free bro. Smart move taking a step back... Now, lets keep you active here..




Welcome to Mg Yard good to to have you. I just want to say that I don't know shit from shinola this is all new to me . But I have read this entire thread and everything that has been said by the Vets just makes perfect sense to me. These guys won't steer you wrong.
