Help me

I just started my first stacked cycle. I am currently taking test cyp 100mg 3x per week stacked with tren e 100mg 2x per week. Is the 300mg test cyp with 200mg tren e going to help me get a lean hard look. I'm in the gym 4 days per week with 30 min cardio after workout. I also cut my carbs down and try to not eat anything to fatty. I also eat about 300g of protein per day. I am 6'2" and weigh 207 with 19% body fat. Can any body tell me if this is a good cycle and if not what i should change. I also want to know if anyone thinks it a must to take arimidex with this cycle.


Well-known member
Hello again.

No don't take arimadex if you don't need it, you'll know if you need it.

Those drugs will help you achieve that look, but honestly you could take any steroid and if you work hard and eat right you can get the look you want, some are just better at certain things.

Don't cut carbs, your muscles will go flat, and for cardio, just lift weights faster.


Well-known member
Hello again.

No don't take arimadex if you don't need it, you'll know if you need it.

Those drugs will help you achieve that look, but honestly you could take any steroid and if you work hard and eat right you can get the look you want, some are just better at certain things.

Don't cut carbs, your muscles will go flat, and for cardio, just lift weights faster.
Do not cut carbs. Like Lee stated, lift weights faster. I do that with lighter weight and helps my cardio


Well-known member
is this your first stacked cycle or your first cycle overall? Tren is an awesome compound for achieving those goals (Test is universal, regardless of goals), but it greatly depends on your diet and workout.
I also want to know if anyone thinks it a must to take arimidex with this cycle.
check "high estrogen symptoms" online. If you develop some of those, you may need it. if you don't, stay away from it. Taking it purposelessly will hinder your gains.


Well-known member
Well, you could have started with milder stacks because Tren is very powerful. But since you already started then go for it. Just do it smartly. research as much as possible about Trenbolone and do not increase the x2 100 mg/week dosage for now. Pay more attention to your diet, rest and workout. The 300 mg/week of Test + 200 mg/week of Tren is enough to achieve your goals.

bobby ricky

Well-known member
Hi tommyboy,
I consume my carbs before and after my workout while I’m trying to loose fat. Carbs before gives me the energy for the workout and the carbs after replacing my glycogen stores. Carbs and your friend but the right carbs. If a caveman had access to the carbs then eat them. And as the other gentleman said is to keep your tempo up and kill two birds with one stone. I hate cardio myself 👍

bobby ricky

Well-known member
Can anybody tell me if I should continue to take creatine hci while I'm on my cycle or if I should stop taking i
It’s a supplement, so if you feel you don’t then take it. I eat plenty of red meat so I don’t. Supplements and there to supplement. I eat what I need in my diet so I only use super supplements 👍
I just grabbed a 10ml bottle of test supersus 400 by pharmaqo can anyone tell me if they used this before and if it's good also what it should be stacked with
I grabbed it for a future cycle
Can anybody tell me if I should continue to take creatine hci while I'm on my cycle or if I should stop taking it
Pharmaqo is a pretty reliable brand. As for stacking - weren't you saying you already use Tren?
I wanted to know if this is better for me to take for my next cycle as from what I've read tren can be hard on the liver and other things and thought for my next cycle I should take something that's a little bit easier on my body and any recommendations for what I can take the test 400 with I plan on doing the tren -test cycle for 10 weeks then taking 8 weeks off before my next cycle if u think I should wait longer before I take my next cycle please tell me


Well-known member
Tren can change your urine color (darker) so it's a common myth that it affects your liver. Your urine darkens because the human body poorly metabolizes Tren. But if you would have a liver test prior to and after cycle of Tren, you would notice that liver enzymes do not really change much (if any).
as for other stacks with Test - it depends on your goals
Can someone please tell me if pharmaqo test cyp 200 is supposed to be clear I was given an open bottle by someone and when I look at pharmaqo brand test cyp 200 is yellowish